Looks like Russia has been walking the walk and now is talking the talk…

On March 1, President Vladimir Putin gave his annual state-of-the-nation address

“No one listened to Russia before we created new armament systems, so listen to Russia now,” said President Putin, saying that the country is one step ahead of other states.

What I just talked about is true…

On March 1, President Vladimir Putin gave his annual state-of-the-nation address to the bicameral parliament, the Federal Assembly. Here are the highlights of his speech: from missile defense to artificial intelligence and beyond.

Source: Putin: Russia Creates Advanced Weapons Responding to US Scrapping Missile Treaty

Russia has just verified its weapons status and it ain’t pretty to her foes…

Status-6 (Kanyon) – Stop poking the Bear

Putin just laid it all on the line…

“The world is accumulating enormous technological potential which allows us to make a huge breakthroughs in improving people’s standard of living, modernization of economy, infrastructure and state governance… The efficiency of how we use the great potential of the technological revolution… depends on us only. In this context, the next few years will be decisive for the future of the country,” Putin said.


“Russia should become not only a key logistics hub of the planet, but, let me stress, one of the global centers of storage, processing, transmitting and protecting large information blocks, the so-called big data,” Putin stated, underscoring the urgent need to take into consideration global technological changes when developing the country’s infrastructure, the importance of adding such solutions as digital navigation, drones, artificial intelligence.


“Our Arctic fleet has been, remains and will be the strongest one in the world,” Putin said, addressing the Russian parliament.

I just wrote…One thing I see in almost hysteria proportions is about the Arctic and Russia doing its thing up there…I will make it simple…It is just a hop skip and way from America to Russia, in comparison to any other way….thus going over the North Pole makes sense. Russia is just setting up herself to be better protected from that direction…


“A uniform radar location field for a missile attack alert system has been deployed along the perimeter of Russia’s borders, which is very important. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, large holes had emerged in it, but everything has now been fixed,” Putin said.

and, very important to listen to what he says next…

“We are witnessing civilizational changes in the world today and we need to rise up and face them,” the Russian president stated.

I have watched this coming and I have said before…. Russia does not bluff….if Russia is talking then that means they are ready to stand up for what is right and that you can bet on…

Biggest thing to understand is that Russia now has a nuclear powered, nuclear tipped cruise missile with literally unlimited ability to evade and travel the whole world nonstop. Once launched it will weave and sway as needed to go around, under, over and never run out of fuel. It can simply be launched and will find its target, no matter what gets in the way….even if it has to reverse directions and go around the half the world…

Besides, America will break the already broken bank, trying to catch up to Russia and China on weapons technology. Think it is part of the plan by R&C?


About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.