Moscow Building 5000 Bomb Shelters by 2012…

Sometimes you come across information that make you stop and go, Say What! Russia Today just put out a video and news report that Russia is building 5000 more bomb shelters in Moscow. This will be done on a hurried time frame by 2012. I was taken aback by this and the past rolled in like a huge wave. I remembered building homes in America with special areas in the basement that could be used as a bomb shelter. I also remember the many drills at school that had to do with a nuclear attack

It just struck me as very strange that it would be pronounced so strongly and with a haste that this will and must be done by 2012. It makes your thinking’s take off and go into high gear…

The expression “Cold War” has made a huge comeback in the news and now it seems to be invading our lives again whether we want it to be there or not…

So Windows to Russia will watch this subject and see what comes of it. Because if they are going to build 5000 bomb shelters in less than two years, then there is going to be a lot of construction going on…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…