Moving to New Flat in Russia and 20,000 Other Things at the Same Time!


I was drinking that wonderful cup of coffee and thinking about the hectic schedule that Svet and I have.

Svet and I are moving to a new flat (Link). By this Saturday we should be done and then all we have to do is unpack. 🙂

The problem is that I also have to make a trip to Ukraine to get a new visa. I was to have gotten a work visa but Russia has virtually shut down their work visa program due to keeping jobs protected for Russians. That is fine and I understand, but it was not conveyed to us until a day late and dollar short. So that means I am taking a fast train to Kiev, Ukraine on Tuesday of next week (21st of July) to get out of Dodge (Moscow) so to speak by the 22nd of July.

So once again I get to spend a week at my home away from home away from home, Kiev! I always enjoy Kiev, Ukraine and it allows me to see what changes are happening in Ukraine.

So we have to rent a truck to move (car stolen and destroyed), order an invitation and telex it to the Russian consulate in Kiev, get train tickets to Kiev and back, get reservations for my hotel and what ever else I am not thinking of right now….

So that means that I may not be as prompt on posting articles to Windows to Russia! I will try but sometimes life gets in the way…

Windows to Russia!
comments always welcome.

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