It has become increasingly clear now why the United States government is so anxious to crack down on whistle-blowers, pursuing over 20 charges against Bradley Manning, a US soldier who gave secret government and military documents to WikiLeaks, hunting down former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden who revealed the NSA’s vast surveillance programmes around […]
Russia gave Snowden papers to cross the border and he is now officially in Russia. Look for the western media to go off the deep end and watch the administration of the US, screech like a wounded hoot owl… I am proud of Russia, can’t say the same about the American government and the people […]
Vladimir Putin the Russian president has requested directives to change and facilitate better visa standards for tourism. The president has requested that by November 1st, 2013 that a plan to reduce the pressures of getting a visa for tourists from all over the world be presented to him, so that it can be implemented by […]
Brainwashing propaganda. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with Gay people and everything to do with Edward Snowden and I personally can see right through your piece of crap propaganda organized distraction… Over 50,000 laws passed in the U.S. in 2011 alone, even more in 2012, and more in 2013. All laws which favor Giant […]
After I saw what US senators Schumer and Graham spouted about the other day. I decided to help them along and wish on every star that I see, that their desires come true… “It is past time we send a strong message to president Putin about Russia’s actions and this resolution will help accomplish this […]
Sea World is under fire after its trainers failed to help a distressed pilot whale stuck on a ledge for at least 25 minutes as the audience watched in horror. The disturbing incident was caught on camera by one attendee who says his view of SeaWorld has been changed forever.–Huffington Post, 29 July 2013 I’ve […]
I spent a little time last week traveling around and doing business in other countries, other than Russia, that is. That is why I have been absent from posting very much and to be truthful, I no longer have a desire to see westerners come to Russia. Russia is on the right track in life […]
Snowden may be walking around Russia within a few days. Possibly as soon as today 24th of July, 2013. So a large number of people in Russia are waiting for the word from the officials… It usually takes the Russian immigration authorities up to seven days for an initial assessment of an asylum request, according […]
Email I received and if any Russian reading this desires to come back to Russia, then drop me a e-mail at and I will get it sent to the proper place… Hello Kyle, I’ve read your article. Very interesting and very thoughtful. Yes you are right many Russians who left in 90’s but couldn’t […]
Kissel is a fruit-based beverage, its name comes from the ancient Slavic word meaning ‘sour,’ because many of the Russians fruits are sour fruits. In Russia the most popular are gooseberries, cranberries, cherries and black currants… History has it, kissel saved one ancient Russian city from a siege and starvation. The city elder gathered all […]