As Sveta and I travel Russia we see a lot of farms. The farms are not totally the same as I was use to in America, but they are definitely farms. I grew up with a world of individual farmers farming the land and I know that is changing in America everyday as I write […]
This is my world that I live in! May your world be as wonderful and you be as blessed as I am… The village, Boza (the dog) and my sweetie – Sveta… Life does not get any better than this and I thank God everyday for my life as it is now. For it has […]
Sveta learned to paint and she was the best helper in the world. We painted for days, as we fought the mosquitoes, deer flies and horseflies. It was all worth it as you can see from the photos that the place has brightened up a whole bunch… The village was beautiful and was surprisingly packed […]
Today, as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, it seems we are approach a new Middle Ages in America, as inequality increasingly spreads through the land. It is as if the superrich are like the new royalty and the top 1% are living in mansions like the old castles of kings in […]
The Program from Hell Aflame in Fraud, Waste and Abuse by John Stanton… “[US Army] Training and Doctrine Command and Tradoc Intelligence Support Activity should consider conducting an investigation, to determine the true extent of spillage incidents perpetrated by HTS employees and contractors, to preclude possible embarrassment in the wake of the Bradley Manning trial/decision.” […]
Wall Street, US Congress, Obama Cash-in by John Stanton “Despite being the richest country in the world, poverty remains an important social issue in the United States. All too often poverty in America is used as a political weapon by both political parties to galvanize their voting base. What is lost in the midst of […]
Leaving for the village. Most likely I will not do a whole bunch of internet work while gone. We have bought the paint, rollers, brushes and other items. It is time to paint the village home. Sveta has picked her color and I bought the base paint and the color addition and will blend it […]
Ukha is a clear broth Russian soup made from fish. Usually fish heads included and do not use saltwater fish. Only freshwater fish will make this the treat that it is. It seems that Russians believe that smaller fish make a better soup, so it is up to you what fish you use. I use […]
One huge difference between Russia and the USA, is what I am thinking about today. This difference is really huge and is really important in the world of pharmaceuticals. It is not the fact that I buy (what you call prescription drugs) in Russia, the same drug as in America, at a minuscule cost compared […]
MOSCOW – Former US spy agency contractor Edward Snowden planned to meet with Russian activists, lawyers as well as representatives from other organizations on Friday, the Interfax news agency reported Thursday… Will be update after we find out if it is true or not… Update Friday, July 12th, 2013: US fugitive whistleblower Edward Snowden requested […]