President Obama Channels Lord Cromwell: Great Statesmen Tamper with Packets by John Stanton Glenn Greenwald’s Snowden dossier concerning the American Leviathan’s practice of harvesting, storing and analyzing the information/conversations of its own and the world’s political, military, economic and cultural gate keepers is fascinating. This is so not due to the technological sophistication and global […]
The talk going around in Russia is that the government will be reimbursing for the financial loses during the collapse of the Soviet Union. I understand that some people were reimbursed in the past and now the chances are getting better that the rest will be at least somewhat financially better than before… I understand […]
I found the definition for stupid today. I mean real unadulterated stupidity. The kind of stupidity that only can be accomplished by a serious stupid brain fart. The serious kinda of stupid that is equated to governments. Stupidity that is so stupid that the government has forgotten how being stupid is really stupid in the […]
The Russian ambassador to the United Nations says that firsthand evidence shows that militants, and not the Syrian army, have manufactured sarin nerve gas and used it during an attack near the city of Aleppo in March. On Tuesday, Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said that Russian experts collected samples at the site of the attack in […]
I realized today that I am different than most people in the world I grew up in. I do not look at the world as being full of different people, or better people here than there, or my color makes me better than you… Now I do not claim that I understand why some people […]
My thoughts today: The stock market is a farce – Snowden is a coverup issue – The west is the reason Syria is the way it is – I have lost all desire to ever travel to Egypt – There is too much coverup on everything in America – NSA stands for Neurotic Stupid Assholes […]
I found this interesting: 15,000 Russians who left supposedly forever, have returned to Russia within the first half of 2013. A special program set up on the assumption that 25,000 compatriots will come back to the native land in the year of 2013, said by Igor Slyunyayev, Russian Minister for Regional Development… Things […]
Anna Chapman, the sexy red-haired Russian secret agent who was expelled from the United States in 2010, seized the moment and proposed marriage by Twitter to the CIA leaker Edward Snowden, who is purported to be on the run after disclosing details of a top-secret surveillance program that allegedly targeted millions of Americans and most […]
I was ridiculed and lambasted and called everything but a white boy, over my stance on Nabucco. I have said from the beginning that to play games by the EU over a country like Russia is a financial disaster waiting to happen for the EU. The EU like the USA and like 99% of the […]
All the media bluster and folly surrounding whistleblower Edward Snowden is detracting from critical thinking that Americans must engage in and act upon. At this moment, benefits from the Snowden data dump appear to be accruing to the US government and its assorted defense related corporate interests. If the American national security apparatus is to […]