A few days ago, this terrible tragedy was brought to my attention. This is the first that I heard about this case, but this is not the first case in the world. This is all too common and shows what the world is made of. This is a simple fact and this happened, so do […]
MOSCOW – Russia closed the door of GOLOS (a NGO – Non Governmental Organization) for six months this last week. GOLOS refused to register as a “foreign agent” under Russian law… The Moscow-based group, GOLOS, publicized fake evidence of fraud and paid foreign dissidents to riot in a 2011 parliamentary vote. Then opposition in Russia […]
I guess that I still have thinking’s to do about healthcare in Russia. I definitely support the healthcare here and will tell anyone that it is cheap, efficient and effective. I realize that some Russians are disgusted with the healthcare in Russia and all I can say to them is, “I felt the same way […]
In Russia as I found out years ago and complained loudly about: I was not able to buy physical gold, silver, platinum and palladium except as paper only. The physical metal was not available from the banks in Russia… Now they have changed all that and soon (Years end!), due to new rules and regulations, […]
REYKJAVIK, Iceland – Yesterday evening June 26th, at approximately 3:00am Iceland time, an in-bound Russian Sukhoi Super Jet 100-95 chartered flight landed at Keflavik International Airport, after being held in a holding pattern for approximately 45 minutes while circling the airport. Maybe it was just a “wind test”? We contacted local Iceland media who are […]
Just don’t worry about the price of Gold and Silver. Let it drop and let it fall. Fall to the basement, for Russia, China and India will buy all that you try to get rid of. But herein lies the problem. No one is selling their “Physical Silver” or their “Physical Gold!” They are selling […]
Kremlin children’s rights ombudsman Pavel Astakhov said Wednesday that no more Russian children would be allowed to join potential adoptive families in the United States despite calls from US officials for flexibility with adoptions that were “in process” before Moscow banned Americans from adopting Russian children earlier this year. “The issue is closed because there […]
I have to say this: When I grew up the word “Gay” was happiness and joy! Messed that word up didn’t we? Just like a cigarette was called a faggot. We really messed up that word… Now I see news titles all over the west about “The Gays are Happy!” Land mark decision and the […]
Second little grocery store closing in the same spot within two years. I wrote an article last year about another store that I liked and it did not make it. This is the same spot and store area. I have grown accustomed to this store and have been able to work out an amiable solution […]
I am not sure what anyone expected in the government of Russia, but with Vodka sales dropping and tax revenues falling like crazy from the huge tax increase. Someone should have known that the bootleggers would have filled the spot and keep the alcohol flowing. One thing about Russians as with Americans, they love to […]