Poroshenko the Ukraine Chocolate baby president of Ukraine is throwing a child like fit, he looks like real democratic president and he is acting like a real democratic president. Ukraine has waiting so long for democracy and now Ukraine has democracy, U.S. style! (Called shove it down your throat and let you die choking.)
The new rules for blogging in Russia missed me. I have the traffic, but I write in English only and target an English audience. I also do not have any issues with compliance and will most likely check on if it is better to sign up or not, for mass media?
Above: They have uncovered the foundation of the church. All four sides are exposed… Have to give the Monastery credit, they are serious about working on the place and it looks like they are getting ready to roof the old cafeteria office building. It is fantastic inside and has an all brick curved roof, which […]
I have no doubt that Russia while being hurt by sanctions for a short time will survive, because she has been switching directions for years now. Russia has been, for as long as I have been writing about them, looking east, while at the same time letting the west slip into obscurity in an orderly […]
“We have since worked with a broad coalition of Jewish and non-Jewish groups as well as with United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) to support legislative and regulatory actions requiring divestment from companies that do business with Iran, as well other sanctions. ‘Florida has been a leader in adopting strong measures to isolate the Iranian regime […]
They are young and they are beautiful… The other day I drove into the big village and bought some gayka, shayba and bolts (nuts, washers and bolts) and I decided to turn into a side farm road and check out the yellow girls dancing in the fields. They were beautiful and still have some growing […]
Yes the people and every time the west imposes more sanctions, the people pull closer together and more congealed against the west. A sanction to a Russian is not the same as a sanction to an American and you sanction Putin, you have sanction the people. You sanction the businesses, you sanction the people etc […]
Who is buying oil from ISIS? – The main buyer is the west… Who is trying to stop the terrorist organization (ISIS) from selling oil to the world? – Russia… Who is trying to stop Russia from banning the ISIS selling oil to the world? – Why none other than the Good Ole USA…
See there is one of them watchful ravens… Lets take a walk to the cemetery. It is a long walk, but well worth it and the day is beautiful…
I honestly believe that America has taken the wrong path and that path is to her demise. We went through the terrible growing pains of a great nation and a nation that was built upon real values and morals. In God we trust and liberty, prayer, freedom, morality, compassion and all that good meaning conceptions, […]