“I feel happy. I feel happy for my country for the first time since 1989. I feel kinda like revenge. After 23 years on the knee, my country is getting up and that’s great!” Sveta… I asked Sveta to write down what she said to me at supper last night. The above quote is what […]
Since the people in America are too busy watching Hollywood and such. Then it is time for a rude awakening… The best solution would be to cease and desist using the US dollar by the world, all trade to be conducted using only local currencies, gold, silver and or other barter trades. Do not buy […]
The west crossed a red line, the same that they ran into with Syria. They crossed it back during the Libyan fiasco and lies. That red line is serious to a country like Russia and also China. Now the west being lead by America, beats the drums of war, walked straight into a trap. That […]
This is some of the thousand images that we took. I may post more later as in tomorrow, but we will see. There are 18 total images and the page is only split if you come to the post on the front page. It is just too large of a post and I wanted you […]
The hypocrisy of the west is out of control and it disgusts me as an American. I’m tired of my country crapping on international law when it suits their interests and then posing as the defender when it suits their interests… Facts for the Krim vote: 96% + voted for Crimea to join Russia 02.5% […]
Hey everyone, We arrived safely and it was a mad house yesterday and I could not get to the computer until today (Friday.) The Olympics Complex is packed, the train station packed, the airport packed and we finally unpacked (after walking a few kilometers to save money on taxi fare) at the hotel… This is […]
We are on our way and I should sometime Thursday be able to look at Windows to Russia and try to post, but as always, things seem to get in the way. Like no internet and they say that they have internet at the hotel in the room and such. That seems to be the […]
As a child the treat of the year was when my parents would splurge and buy a can of salmon. In my life salmon was expensive and not something that you ever had very much of, canned only and fresh never ever in my life, until I was an adult… Then I came to Russia […]
I am upset, in fact I am very upset… We (USA) have spent billions trying to destroy Syria. We have spent billions to destroy Ukraine (5 billion over a few years to be exact!) We have spent trillions in Iraq and Afghanistan to destroy those countries. We spent several billion to destroy Libya and it […]
Officially, US debt stands at more than $17 trillion. In reality, it is many times more. The cost of the US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq may be more than six trillion dollars. President Obama’s illegal invasion of Libya cost at least a billion dollars and left that country devastated. The costs of US regime […]