The most important question everyone in the world should ask their government and non governmental organizations. A question that everyone should have a right to ask their bosses, family and or anyone; at anytime and anyplace… Probably the most important question a child can ask and one we should always try to answer… WHY? Lets […]
I have over the years talked about the US intervention in Ukraine… Hello, I was drinking my morning cup of coffee and checking on the rumors that America was messing around in the Crimea again. If you ever had any doubts that the USA was messing around in Ukraine then let those doubts be […]
This is my recipe of a delicious cooked cabbage as a side dish for any meat. I have seen this same basic recipe here in Russia also. In fact I am sure that I have seen it at My My (Moo Moo) a Russian restaurant. I served this one time to the governor of Georgia, […]
The fact that we Americans gave and are giving right now, hundreds of millions of dollars and tons of equipment and tons of weapons and even their Toyota trucks they drive around in, to the terrorists in Syria, Iraq, Libya and many other places. Makes the idea of turning your back to such an evil […]
Moscow; Culture Shock, no parking, pollution, people everywhere, but there is hot water, my Sweet Pea (Sveta) and everything is in walking distance… Tiny Russian Village; Perfect except no Sweet Pea… Boza and I wanna go back; Yesterday… We both are in shock, literally… * * * * * * * * * * There […]
Yes that is me being a big baby! * * * * * I have to leave for a month from the Russian Village, but inside of me, I do not want to go. It is starting into my favourite time of the year; winter! This is the time of the year that I am […]
It is only foolishness if anyone did not see the significance of the lies that led the US to wage war in Iraq without the UN’s backing. Back then, the US and the UK really demonstrated to the world who they are: either the world stops them or we die and or controlled by tyrants […]
At 5 a.m. Boza heard me grumble and he stood by the bed wagging his tail (I could hear the swish swish of a happy doggy tail.) It was pitch dark, the snow was falling, the sky was cloudy and the world was silent. I got dressed while the coffee water boiled and I looked […]
The bell in the tower was calling service, the snow was falling so hard that you could not see the tower and Boza and I went out to play after it quit snowing… Boza promptly went out when the sun popped out and pronounced himself King of the snowy yard and told me to get […]
I am so happy, Sveta is taking the train from Moscow to the Big Village (6 hour ride) and I will pick her up and bring her to our humble abode in the Tiny Village. The snow is blowing and it got to about -6 last night. Right now it is -1 and as I […]