Yes I know, Russia and snow go together like a horse and carriage. But it still is snowing and Boza and I are very happy. Boza is running around like a crazy nut and I walked him two hours this morning, just to watch the snow fall. The ground is still too warm, but it […]
Five a.m. my internal alarm went off. I sat up and even Boza was still sleeping soundly, thus I pushed him with my foot and he groaned and looked at me. I smiled, for as soon as I would say the word, “Walk?” He would be bouncing all over the place, since he knows me […]
Which one? Did you succeed? Image courtesy of the Russian Embassy…^tfw Maybe this image will help… Ask question people, quit being a sheeple and looking the other way. Ask questions… Post by Kyle Keeton Windows to Russia…
Soon I will go back to Moscow for a month or less, if Sveta can put up with me? 😉 Then after dealing with a few things, I will be back to the village to stay the winter. I am hoping that Sveta is able to spend the New Years Holidays (9 to 11 days) […]
In the villages, nothing goes to waste. When it is mushroom season, they scour the hills for mushrooms, strawberry season is the same, so on and so on. So why would it be different with the shutting down of a fish lake? It is not and once the lake people got what they wanted, they […]
How involved is the US national security machinery in Ukraine? The answer to that question is contained in a sampling of information available from the US embassy in Ukraine and the Pentagon’s contract awards announcements. Other publications (links provided below) have also been consulted. Vietnam 2.0 is in the making in Ukraine. The US civil-military […]
Having established a base on the Syrian coast, Vladimir Putin last week began air strikes on ISIS and other rebel forces seeking to overthrow Bashar Assad. A longtime ally of Syria, Russia wants to preserve its toehold on the Mediterranean, help Assad repel the threat, and keep the Islamic terrorists out of Damascus. Russia is […]
Three cans of paint is what I think will get it done. I have small rollers and a paint pan, thus, when I go to town tomorrow, I will get three cans of white enamel and get the south side done… Sveta told me that I had to cut the tails off the left window […]
Ran out of paint! The wood is just sucking it up like a sponge. Thus, when I go to town again, I will buy a couple more cans, that is 4 litres per can. That runs about 300 rubles per can… It is starting to look good though and when I get the back done, […]
I drink a lot of hot tea now and this morning I decided to try starting off with tea. Just a strong black tea with milk and while it was great, it just did not cure the morning blues, like a good cup of coffee. Tea to me is sweet tasting, whereas coffee has that […]