I was crouched under a limb of a pine tree out in the fields this morning, Boza was rolling in the grass next to me and I was snapping images of swallows, snapping bugs out of the air. It was a ballet of life and death right in front of my eyes and with a […]
Last night was a full moon. Now here the sky is bright until very late and I tried out my camera; 1st picture no zoom, 2nd picture 63X zoom and last picture 126X zoom. Just wow is all I can say and it is like looking at the moon with a telescope as I use […]
What do you do with more cherries than even the birds can eat? Why, you eat them right along with the birds, that is what you do… Next year, I decided to start canning, but this year, I am just going to eat the cherries and allow the little monsters to eat all they can […]
Success is measured in Yumminess… I eat onions twice a day, beet greens daily and I toss carrot greens in with them now. I ate one carrot and it was three inches long and so sweet, like almost candy. The beets are very sweet on the left side (picture wise) of the garden and on […]
It is cold out this morning, I suspect that for the next week it will be fairly cool. I am on my second cup of coffee and will most likely work inside today. I am simply worn out, but I feel good and want to stay that way. It has been nothing but work, work […]
Vova came down and we had lunch. I had bought some pies from the pie shop and Vova and I shared them. He was happy and he even just drank water today. Then he was looking at our table and benches as he always does, then he grunted and grumbled and said he would be […]
Well it is official, this morning at 3:00 a.m., Bozo and I started to count little squawking monsters in our yard. We have officially found six nests, a mixture of what looks like, three Song Thrush nests, Two Nightingale nests and one Sparrow nest. All of them healthy, wealthy and wise… The pattern is like […]
Updated article on the Holy Spring near our village; In 2010 this was an article with a huge gallery of images. This is one of thousands of articles that was attacked and destroyed by the DOS/web attacks from DHS and TSA and several other governmental organizations. I went back today and took a bunch of […]
Now I know why the original horde of little birds had to move on. Mom and poppa birds are busy as little bees in our yard. Gives confirmation to the term, “The birds and the bees!” Those basic facts about sex that we use to?, maybe still use?, to pass on one version of the […]
I have become forever sent away from any desire to accept what my country is doing. If we open our eyes and even look around one time, seriously, one simple time, a moment, even a second of time will allow anyone with a hint of compassion left in their soul, to see how terrible our […]