The project was first proposed in 1962 and was assigned to the Interdepartmental Scientific Council for the Study of the Earth’s Interior and Superdeep Drilling. The drill site was chosen in 1965 in north-west Soviet Union, 10 kilometers (6 mi) west of the town of Zapolyarny, Russia. The initial target depth was set at 15,000 […]
wise, they like him and came often to ask an advice. And there lived very smart man in this village near the wise man. And this smart man envied the wise man a lot. He did not understand why people wanted to get advices from his neighbor and not from him. So one day he […]
Рак or say Rak! Close enough… It means crawdaddy in the Louisiana buoys and it means happy Russians on a Russian train. That is where I first saw Russians eating crawdads. I watched as babushkas sold long packs full of cooked crawdads or “pak,” at the train stops as you travel across the country. It […]
About a month ago; Russia panicked the west and the west dumped her rubles and Russia bought them all up. All of them, every last one that was possible to buy as a west panicked and dumped rubles. Then two days later, the west realized having been duped and Russia had cleaned 95% of the […]
Mass Destruction… Book bags, steam pots, casserole dishes, pointing fingers, plastic bags, and toy guns; what do they have in common? They are weapons of mass destruction and we live in a world of mass destruction, driven by all these normal items of everyday life. Then add thousands of other terrible destructive issues, morals, and […]
2015 looks a mess and to prove that point it has jumped up and exploded in the first week. Nothing sacred and nothing is safe. It is copious and free for all, with a layer of exceptionalism on top. Just like an icing on a cake… 2014 ended with copious numbers that would shame a […]
Dependency in America is in a Catch 22; a dilemma or difficult circumstance from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions… There is a thousand faucets to that Catch 22, but I am going to talk about what I see as the most important part and or the most potential […]
Time to read… PDF on Greer_on_collapse – a good read about what is going to happen and actually happening now. The collapse of complex human societies, while a subject of perennial scholarly and popular fascination, remains poorly understood. Tainter (1988), surveying previous attempts to account for the demise of civilizations, noted that most proposed explanations […]
In Moscow, village, and or even Siberia, you pass old women selling anything and everything. You see old women on the Metro stairs, they are on the buses and they are walking every street. They are all grandmas, but they all sell things to survive the harsh world we live in. If you love a […]
Weather measured in harshness or softness in Russia. I hear the Russians talk about -25 below zero as soft weather and sometimes -15 below zero is harsh weather. It confused me at first, then over the years, I have gathered what I need to understand what Russians mean about harsh weather and soft weather… After […]