T-Rose is almost blooming…

My experimental T-Rose is just about ready. After a rocky start it has really rooted itself and now actually has a total of 4 buds ready to bloom soon. I did not expect it to do anything this year and it was simply an experiment. The experiment will conclude next summer, if I can keep

To a Russian I am a Paradox…

Paradox: reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory. That is me to a Russian… Yesterday I talked with two young Russians. They were walking the monastery and the woman was wandering if Boza would bite. Then after I expressed that he was safe and nice, she proceeded

Dug New Potatoes Today…

I was going to dig up several potato plants today. I simply love new potatoes and wanted to get a few for eating with turnips. The turnips are the perfect size and definitely ready to harvest, but I stopped at one potato plant; twenty one small to medium potatoes off of one scraggly plant. 21…

Nice, France…

“Nice” the city, many deaths! I absorbed what happened and the first thing that waved over me was. A truck killed 80 to 100 people. Much more efficient than a gun. Yet there will be no calls for removal of trucks. Not stupid as it sounds. Anything can literally be used to kill, including you