Daily T-Rose Picture…

Well we did it! The T-Rose produced blossoms, now the next trick is to get it to live the winter, all the way up in the Zone 2a… Zone 2a – -43°C to -45°C and or -45 F to -50 F… (Basically the same at that temperature…) Cold enough to freeze a witches you know

This is what I talk about: Land of the Free….NOT!

https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/us-authorities-charge-owner-most-visited-illegal-file-sharing-website-copyright-infringement U.S. Authorities Charge Owner of Most-Visited Illegal File-Sharing Website with Copyright Infringement U.S. authorities have charged the alleged owner of today’s most visited illegal file-sharing website with criminal copyright infringement and have seized domain names associated with the website. Assistant Attorney General Leslie R. Caldwell of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney Zachary

What is happiness?

This morning as I walked Boza, I saw happiness….No! Not just the coffee I was sipping… I am positive that in doggy heaven, dogs get to chase kitties all day and all night. There is simply just not anything in the whole world that is more important, than kitty chasing….At least to Boza… Boza is