A birdbrain follows us around as we walk. This crow is the male of a pair and as I took these pictures, the female is sitting on a nest high in the trees of said park… I watch these two and they take turns sitting on the nest, though the male is sheepish at getting […]
Trump is the bait and switch president: Candidate Trump: “I Love Wikileaks!” President Trump: “Arrest Assange, shut down Wikileaks!” 282 promises to get into office and he has reversed or broken most of them. It has to be a record for anyone becoming president… [contentcards url=”https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/i-will-give-you-everything-here-are-282-of-donald-trumps-campaign-promises/2016/11/24/01160678-b0f9-11e6-8616-52b15787add0_story.html”] I had been a huge Trump fan since day […]
Windows to Russia has been ruled by politics since day one. Or I should say, the day that Google finally decided to index it and give it out to the world to see once in awhile… Because of what Windows to Russia is about, makes it center into the political war going on between the […]
Memories… Remember? “America eats its young!” by Funkadelic… Oh the times we have had in America… Same as now! Except our singers and movies actors are all on board with the elite. This time we are missing the soul to stop it all… Is the American youth supporting the death our children now? We have […]
22 April 2017 08:00 The main aim of the project is to conceive and test models for developing ecotourism, preserving rare animals and restoring their populations. The certificate of the Russia’s Wildlife: Protect and Appreciate priority project was approved following the meeting of the presidium of the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and Priority Projects […]
Sorry people! 🙁 I got a few, some, many, “too many” e-mails that expressed a touch of dissatisfaction at me removing the donation spot… Therefore, in the main menu above: ↑ No farther up ↑ under the grouchy bear. Yes that menu! You will find a donation button. If you click it, then it will […]
Poor Boza, he is hiding under the bed and ignoring me… WtR
Beauty shop in Moscow is next to the grocery store I shop at for food. I was in serious need of a haircut… Now seriously, I paid 150 rubles for a haircut. “Cut with machine” as Russians say, electric clippers. Hand cut is higher by 50 rubles… 150 rubles is $2.662 as I write this… […]
OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Government report on its performance in 2016 19 April 2017 12:00 State Duma of the Federal Assembly, Moscow “The Government of the Russian Federation <…> shall submit to the State Duma annual reports on the Government’s performance, including on issues formulated by the State Duma.” (Constitution […]
SSRN-id2951110 The PDF Link above is some interesting issues that arise in the restaurant industry when you raise wages mandatorily and force the food industry to survive. They fold… My Thoughts From Russia: That Miminum Wage Issue… The service industry all over the world will start collapsing if we force increases in wages upon businesses, […]