Image cut today from the Google Search Engine. Not sure how long it will last, but Google loves WtR right now and I will keep on doing what I am doing. Almost 6000 posts in over 10 years of blogging. Ups and downs, actually many more downs than up. But, like I say, “Take one […]
Enjoy the photos, they are of the last few days… I went to bed; weather said, “-10 and tomorrow -4”, they lied and my weather station lied. Boza woke me up at 4 a.m.and it was -20 at that time and as I write this article, it is now -21… Boza went outside and shivered. […]
We almost got plowed out yesterday. But something happened (?) and the tractor turned around and left. We simply have a mess down below in the valley, but there has been a huge parking area made. I guess we do not rate good enough to get fully plowed… 🙁 Today,I will walk out to the […]
Days of tending the fire and finally last night, the weather started to turn to the better. It has been bitterly cold and I have had to check on the fire every hour all day long. The wood stove is old and has its limits. We need a new one, but cost is prohibitive. I […]
I am taking a break today…. Might walk to highway and get on a bus to the Big Village? Then again, Maybe not! Tiny Russian Village is cold and I have lots of work to do. Had to keep a fire going for three days straight now and very little sleep between that and Boza […]
Chinese billionaire and Alibaba founder Jack Ma: Had a few profound statements to say about the US and the woe’s of life, as the whining from the Western Empire reached a peak at DAVOS… “So it’s not that other countries steal jobs from you guys (USA,) it is your strategy! You do not distribute the […]
Just a normal day in the Tiny Russian Village… I gathered firewood and got it stored in the village home. It will be super cold for about three days and I can hope that they are wrong. I hope by tomorrow the cold eases. But always be ready, is what the Tiny Russian Village demands… […]
-26 Celsius and a dancing doggy made me realize it was cold this morning again. There are several types of cold, some -20 and belows are almost gentle and not an issue. But when a breeze is blowing and the humidity is high enough, cold becomes a true reality and this morning, the moon was […]
Anton Agarkov / In the Chelyabinsk region Chelyabinsk region, Taganay, Weather station I look at an image like this above and realize how we in the Tiny Russian Village are blessed with Bahama weather most of the time. Life is really just how you perceive it and as always, life can always be worst… […]