TRV – Rebuilding Outhouse to get a few more years out of her…

This morning I have been tying up loose ends…

I had just enough wood to finish the outhouse. It is not beautiful, but it is solid and will probably give us five or more years now. Come spring I will redo the interior and dig the hole deeper. That is going to be a mess and thus I will wait for next year. Sounds good to me at least…

Also have to paint the thing, in spring… 😉

Svetochka is happy and that makes me happy…


Still in TRV and in a few days -5 and snow…

Get Ready…

The Tiny Russian Village is getting ready to get tough on life…

Last week here and I have two projects to get done. One to rebuild the outhouse and two, to finish winterizing Mom’s house. Looks like a rough cold winter and Volva is running around like a squirrel and gathering firewood…

Even the woolly worms, who tell how bad the winter will be, have fur coats on top of their own coats. That is not a good sign…


Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is he finally dead?

There’s no credible data to prove a successful American raid took place against Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Russia’s Defense Ministry said. The US coalition didn’t even carry out any airstrikes in Idlib recently.Earlier, Trump made a rare Sunday address from the White House informing the world that al-Baghdadi was eliminated in northwest Syria in a “daring nighttime raid” with the involvement of US special forces, planes, helicopters and drones. The Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) leader met his end “crying and screaming” in the face of the Americans’ might, he said.But the Russian Defense Ministry insisted that “there were legitimate questions and doubts about the very fact [of the US operation] and, especially, its success.”

The only thing you must do is question the US acts and you always find agendas and falsifications…

Russia has made it clear that nothing happened out of the ordinary and they are not sure what the US is talking about…

It is all part of an agenda for the US government…

Just remember to question and think for yourself…


Another link: The Russian Ministry of Defence has announced that it does not have reliable information regarding the US operation in Idlib which allegedly resulted in the death of terrorist leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

It is about time (Maria Butina is coming home)

Illegally imprisoned and treated like a spy. The American way against Russians and the Chinese now…

Maria Butina is finally coming back home, after spending over a year behind bars in a bizarre case of anti-Russian hysteria that saw the gun rights activist libeled in the media and locked up as “unregistered foreign agent.”She is expected to leave a federal prison in Tallahassee, Florida and would be transferred from to a migrant center in Miami on Friday, Russian ambassador in Washington, Anatoly Antonov confirmed, saying The same day Butina would board the plane to Moscow and is set to touch down in the Russian capital on Saturday morning. Butina was sentenced by a US federal judge for 18 months in April after pleading guilty to conspiring to act as a foreign agent without registration, Antonov said that he hopes Butina’s belated homecoming would “put an end to the most difficult period in her life,” and wished the 30-year-old reunite with her family and loved ones as soon as possible after her ordeal is over.

I hope this will help teach the Russians to not go to the, “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.”

Nothing good will come from it…