A dust storm covered the village of Sarai (Big Village). Old-timers do not remember this

Yesterday, dust storm, winds trying to take the roof off. That was what TRV was being attacked with also… В среду, 29 апреля, В Сараях ближе к обеду разыгралась настоящая пыльная буря. Пыль стояла в воздухе, как дым или туман. Такого не помнят старожилы.– Скорость ветра сегодня достигает 21 метра в секунду, – говорит Татьяна

Well that was easy to predict…

So tiring and so old hat… Time to plant the garden for American elections: Russia, China…China, Russia… (Rinse & Repeat)….hell that garden has been growing for years now and they keep fertilizing it with lies… Sow in a little Iran, Venezuela, EU, and North Korea and toss in a tiny bit of abused Cuba to