⚡️ The Russian Foreign Ministry has published a White Paper on the facts of the death of the civilian population of Afghanistan as a result of the illegal actions of the United States and its allies. https://mid.ru/ru/maps/af/1838877/ Its goal is to draw attention to the massive war crimes committed during the stay of US military […]
Devil’s Advocate – noun [ usually singular ] someone who pretends, in an argument or discussion, to be against an idea or plan that a lot of people support, in order to make people discuss and consider it in more detail: The Ukrainian military admitted yesterday to deploying air defenses near the missile crash site […]
“The United States holds Russia responsible for the missile incident in Poland, regardless of what the results of the investigation will be – the White House.” WtR
“Most likely, a missile made by Russia in the 1970s has fallen on Polish territory. We have no evidence that it was launched by Russia,” Duda told reporters. Source: ‘Highly probable’ Ukrainian missile hit Polish territory – president — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union WtR
⚡️ Statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry on false accusations of Russia’s involvement in the missile incident in Poland In connection with the fall of two missiles on the territory of the Republic of Poland on November 15, 2022, not far from the Polish-Ukrainian border, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation immediately provided […]
Hmm… Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov described the reaction to the missile incident as “hysterical.” “High-ranking officials from different countries made statements without any clear knowledge of what has happened,” Peskov told reporters on Wednesday. “Such a brazen reaction once again demonstrates that one should never rush with assessments and statements that could escalate the situation.” […]
Words for Russia to think about… WtR
Had the car packed and was ready to go. Yet, I got worried and my inner sense told me something was not going to work out. My Sweetpea was kinda not too excited also. Yet, I wanna go to the village! Nope, unpacked the car, I pouted like a big rotten kid, Sweetpea was happy […]
15.11.2022 (18:45) Mobilised personnel improve their AGS-17 and T-72B3 tank firing skills at the combined arms unit’s training grounds in Kaliningrad region The training involves a total of over 200 soldiers. 15.11.2022 (17:05) EW specialists continue to carry out tasks within special military operation Electronic warfare units use special anti-UAV systems that suppress their GPS-tagged […]
The crazy is running amok in the Collective West today… Devil’s Advocate? (Trying in Poland!) Unfortunately, this does not end until the pain dial in the US reaches what it will be in Europe in February… WtR