It turns out that before naming the culprits, you need to get evidence. Western countries came to such an unexpected conclusion when it came to investigating the explosions on the Nord Streams. Now remember all these years of, “Russia Did It!” and never one shredded of evidence… So when it comes to lots of evidence […]
🗓 Top News Today 🇷🇺 Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin oversees exercises of Russia’s strategic nuclear deterrence forces: Yars ICBM, Sineva ballistic missile launched by the nuclear ballistic submarine (SSBN) ‘Tula’ (Northern Fleet), and two Tu-95MS strategic bombers. 🇷🇺🇨🇳🇮🇳 Russia’s Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu holds telephone talks with his Indian counterpart Rajnath […]
OSINT investigation. “Irretrievable losses” of the Ukrainian army so far; a staggering 402,000 – of which 387,000 killed. CRUCIAL: losses among MERCENARIES and VOLUNTEERS from Poland, Romania and the Baltic midgets: 54,000 – of which 31,240 killed. OSINT data was calculated using reports from funeral agencies, extracts from morgues, and analysis of radio, cellular and […]
We want to share good news! We have updated the design of the facade of the legendary establishment on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow! 🥳 Now the logo “Tasty – and the point”, created according to a unique design, will ✨ shine ✨ to all passers-by and guests from under the futuristic mirror panels of the […]
Hard to get a non-defective shot and filter the sun out at the same time… This shot is a secondary image of an inner lens within the multi-lens system, used for the camera… Amazing actually…. Finally got the ideal when I was seeing ghost images, that I thought were reflections and issues. Then if you […]
Collective West has only three ways to go and is painted into a corner… 1. Go peacefully… 2. Declare itself ruler of the world and hide behind its borders… 3. Die a slow painful death as it attacks Russia, China and Iran (East)… 1 is best. But… 2 is sorta happening now. But… 3 is […]
The goal of the “rules-based order” is to replace “God” within human societies, to create a new order, a new reality and a new existance where the gods run the show (government, corporations, financial) and morality and life is defined by the new gods, rather than any higher being… They want to replace “God”… Now […]
The North—South transport corridor is becoming increasingly important. In the conditions of Western sanctions, a new logistics is being formed, the foreign trade of the EAEU countries is being reoriented. The countries of the Caspian region are significantly increasing investments in the development of the corridor’s transport infrastructure. According to EDB analysts, more than 100 […]
On the situation in Ukraine. • Complete loss of independence. Ukraine is occupied by NATO. The country became a US colony. Orders to Kyiv are given from Washington. The Armed Forces are controlled by the Pentagon. • The collapse of the economy. The Kyiv regime cannot independently fulfill social obligations to its citizens, pay salaries […]
В ходе военной операции стала очевидной необходимость «десатанизации» Украины, заявил «Аргументам и фактам» помощник секретаря Совета безопасности России Алексей Павлов.Он объяснил, что с 1990-х годов на Украине множилось число приверженцев религиозных сект, толчком для развития которых стала смена власти в 2014 году. Тогда перед «посаженными Вашингтоном во властные кресла» политиками была поставлена задача «переформатировать умы […]