Statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with another war crime of the Kyiv regime and Western countries…

Very important:

On January 28, the Ukrainian armed forces, using US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems and intelligence information provided by NATO countries, including satellite, attacked a hospital in Novoaydar, Luhansk People’s Republic of the Russian Federation. 14 people died. Another 24 received injuries of varying severity.

⚠️ The deliberate shelling of existing civilian medical facilities and the targeted killing of civilians are grave war crimes of the Kyiv regime and its Western masters.

The lack of reaction from the United States and other NATO countries to this yet another monstrous trampling of international humanitarian law by Kyiv once again confirms their direct involvement in the conflict and involvement in the crimes being committed.

☝️ There is a clear double standard. Western countries, together with Kyiv, threw tantrums in connection with the provocative staging of the “crimes” of the Russian army in Bucha and Irpen, which in fact did not exist, but stubbornly do not notice the blatant barbaric actions of the Nazi Kyiv regime, which kills civilians from the American, British, French and German weapons. They rush about with the idea of creating an illegal “tribunal” against Russia, but say nothing about the need to try the Ukrainian leadership and the military for their everyday crimes that are obvious in fact. Behind such clumsy tactics is a clear attempt to divert attention from one’s own responsibility for their accomplishment. It is clear that the Westernizers and Kyiv have neither a formal nor a moral right to the mentioned absurd accusations against us.

❗️ All these acts of criminal lawlessness perpetrated by Kyiv armed groups under the auspices of the West will not be left unpunished. They are carefully fixed. Organizers and performers will suffer inevitable punishment.


Svetochka and I walking…

We were out walking to stay healthy and fit. Saw this GMC Jimmy. Said, “Goodbye America”…

Bye Bye America…

Then we needed some supplies and went to a new store called, DA and that means Yes…

Except in this case, DA means NET, which means NO…

Yes it is DA, yet it was NET…

Very very sadly badly run store…

Nuff said about, “DA is Net, Store!”


MoD of Russia Reports for January 27th to 28th, 2023…

28.01.2023 (05:00) WMD repair units uninterruptedly restore and fix hardware and armament within special military operation The repair units are also manned by mobilised personnel, volunteers, and representatives of the factories of origin.
27.01.2023 (19:05) Destroyer Admiral Levchenko ships out for combat training The destroyer will practise interacting with the Pamir rescue tugboat, as well as with the Northern Fleet Air Force and Air Defence Force helicopters.
27.01.2023 (14:30) Tank crews from Southern MD eliminate concentration of hostile manpower and military hardware during th special military operation Tankmen from the Southern Military District have received not just one, but several state and departmental awards during the period of the special military operation.
27.01.2023 (06:45) Grad MLRS of the Central Military District destroys an enemy D-20 howitzer battery and an ammunition depot nearby The well camouflaged positions of the Ukrainian military were identified by aerial surveillance from an unmanned aerial vehicle.
27.01.2023 (06:15) Su-35s multipurpose crews carry on combat missions within the special military operation During one of the sorties, an AFU aircraft was timely detected and eliminated.
27.01.2023 (05:45) Tulpan mortars inflict fire damage on AFU positions The mortar is capable of destroying enemy targets at considerable distances from the line of contact, using projectiles weighing between 130 and 230 kg.
27.01.2023 (05:00) Combat service support troops are on round-the-clock missions during the special military operation The CSS troops deliver ammunition, fuel products, food and drinking water to the line of contact day and night under shelling.


Payback is hell and as we say, Karma!

On Thursday (January 26, 2023), U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland said during a U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on “Countering Russian Aggression”: “Senator Cruz, like you, I am, and I think the administration is, very gratified to know that Nord Stream 2 is now, as you like to say, a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea.”

These statements of arrogance out of the USA officials are examples of a true sickness that is prevalent deep within the USA society as a whole…

Payback is hell and as we say, Karma!