This is a good step to getting the scum out of Russia and scum floats, as it is doing now in Russia…

Today, a decree was signed on responsibility for discrediting members of the Military in Russia. Basically from now on, paid implanted outsiders and ignorant stupid insiders within the country of Russia will not get away with slandering Russian Military. This has become an issue and had to be addressed by the government of Russia. So many outside paid trolls hiding in the corners, saying very nasty stuff to incite trouble…

The maximum term under the new law is up to 15 years in prison…

The maximum fine under the new law is up to 5,000,000 rubles…

This is a good step to getting the scum out of Russia and scum floats, as it is doing now in Russia…


March 18th, Crimean Referendum was in 2014…

Today is the ninth anniversary of the reunification of Crimea with Russia. On March 18, 2014, the results of the Crimean referendum were announced, according to which the absolute majority of Crimeans voted for returning to the country. This historic event became a reality thanks to the unity and fortitude of the inhabitants of the Crimea Peninsula…

Time flies, 9 years…

Putin came to Crimea on the 9th anniversary of the reunification of Crimea and Sevastopol with Russia…


Medvedev, “About the American drone.”

Brief conclusions: there is no international convention on this topic. The Chicago Convention of 1944 and other international documents do not regulate these issues. By the way, let me remind you that the Americans destroyed the Open Skies Treaty, which gave the right to military inspections.

Domestic legislation is only being formed.

But the Air Code uses the terms “prohibited zones” and “restricted zones.” So, in accordance with Art. 15 VC establishes prohibited zones, dangerous zones (areas of ranges, blasting operations, etc.), zones of restrictions on aircraft flights and other elements of the airspace structure established for carrying out activities in the airspace. This is done by the government. Drones must also follow these rules. Especially during the period of hostilities, which is known to all users of the airspace. Moreover, it is sometimes difficult to fix the moment of entry by plane or UAV into the territorial sea.

And this is part of our territory to which our sovereignty extends.

In general, speaking in a simple way, the Americans are completely out of their minds. And to stand on ceremony with them is wrong. Although military contacts are needed, of course. Especially against the backdrop of statements by American bastards like Senator Graham that it is necessary to shoot down Russian planes. By the way, aviation accidents sometimes happen with such creatures. ✝️



Kadyrov on the The Hague and Western Sickness…

The Hague and the West; Never go full retard!

It turns out that the residents of Donbass, including children, were supposed to die under the bombs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and in no case should they leave the danger zones. This is not my statement, the International Criminal Court in The Hague thinks so. And saving the children of Donbass is classified by them as deportation. Of course, I always knew and said that in the West all tails were between their legs for fear of cowboys, but here the news is not strange, but rather ridiculously absurd: bombing children is not a crime, but saving them is deportation.

For these children, comrade Hague parasites, you should have nominated Vladimir Vladimirovich for the Nobel Peace Prize. Already in Russia, we have sheltered and fed the children of Donbass, and sent them to schools. And you could not even humanly accept Ukrainian refugees by the entire European Union.

Although what to take from you? The international judicial instance showed that it does not have an independent status, but deftly caved in under the overseas master, in a hurry carrying out his commands. Moreover, they were in such a hurry to lick his hand that they did not have time to work on the wording.

All this pompous democracy and liberalism is a lie and a circus clowning. The EU, NATO, UN and other similar organizations and associations have long demonstrated that they are not independent, impartial, uncensored. Execute orders synchronously and always unipolarly. Again and again they show their true colors. These are just different puppets, which are controlled from the inside by the same hand of the West.

I call on normal citizens of Europe (normal in every sense, mentally healthy, without fog in their heads and pants) to take the situation into their own hands and change these puppet regimes. Build new states with pure doctrines without any deviations, minorities, deflections under other people’s ambitions, in which Russia is your friend, not your enemy. Then you don’t have to be afraid of her.

Until then, be afraid.

Yes, I almost forgot, you can at least erase your elbows, painting your orders. The weather doesn’t change us here. Putin is OUR PRESIDENT! Russia – POWER!
