Turkish President Erdogan in hospital, serious???

Update: Center for Combating Disinformation under the Turkish Presidential Administration: “Allegations that President Erdogan had a heart attack and was hospitalized are not true. The President will take part in the ceremony of the first loading of fuel at the Akkuyu NPP, which will be held tomorrow, through a live broadcast”

I guess time will tell what the truth is? I hope he is okay…

Erdogan and rumors about “deterioration after a heart attack”:

✔️ “President Erdogan’s wife and family members were asked to come to the hospital. Turkish President Erdogan suffered a myocardial infarction today and is currently hospitalized in critical condition.
✔️ “The Turkish leader is reported to be in critical condition. It is also reported that the wife of President Erdogan and family members were asked to urgently come to the hospital.”
✔️ “President Erdogan’s wife and family members went to the hospital.
Unconfirmed reports of a significant deterioration in the health of Turkish President Erdogan.
At the same time, the Turkish leader is scheduled to have a telephone conversation with Vladimir Putin tomorrow.


The story of the destruction of the control bunker in Ukraine with generals and senior officers of NATO countries reached the American public…


История об уничтожении на Украине бункера управления с генералами и старшими офицерами стран НАТО дошла до американской публики.

Независимый политолог, журналист Гилберт Доктороу: [Извините, я пытался найти в гугле то, что вы назвали новостью, о которой я не слышал. Что это за новость?] После того, как украинцы устроили диверсию в Брянской области, входящей в состав Российской Федерации, в результате которой несколько человек были убиты, русские устроили атаку возмездия, впервые применив шесть своих гиперзвуковых ракет под названием «Кинжал». Одна из них упала недалеко от Львова, западной столицы Украины. И эта ракета с обычным вооружением, благодаря законам физики, которые заключаются в том, что масса и скорость дают огромный удар, позволило этой ракете спуститься и разрушить глубоко построенный бетонный бункер, где 300 высших западных и украинских офицеров управляли коммуникациями от имени НАТО на Украине. Вчера русские снова объявили, очень сдержанно, что 200 из этих убитых были генералами и высокопоставленными офицерами НАТО. Вы читали об этом в «Нью-Йорк Таймс»? [Нет.] Не читали. Если бы вы прочитали об этом в «Нью-Йорк Таймс», это привело бы к огромным волнениям в Штатах и привело бы нас к эскалации ядерного обмена. Конечно, американцы этого не хотят. Русские этого тоже не хотят.


The story of the destruction of the control bunker in Ukraine with generals and senior officers of NATO countries reached the American public.

Independent political scientist, journalist Gilbert Doctorow: [Sorry, I was trying to google what you called news that I had not heard about. What is this news?] After the Ukrainians sabotaged the Bryansk region, which is part of the Russian Federation, in which several people were killed, the Russians staged a retaliatory attack, using for the first time six of their hypersonic missiles called “Dagger”. One of them fell near Lvov, the western capital of Ukraine. And this conventionally armed missile, thanks to the laws of physics that mass and speed give a huge impact, allowed this missile to go down and destroy a deep concrete bunker where 300 top Western and Ukrainian officers were managing communications on behalf of NATO in Ukraine. Yesterday the Russians again announced, very discreetly, that 200 of those killed were NATO generals and high-ranking officers. Did you read about it in The New York Times? [No.] Didn’t read. If you read about it in The New York Times, it would cause huge unrest in the States and lead us to escalate the nuclear exchange. Of course, the Americans don’t want that. The Russians don’t want that either.

NATO got slapped…

NATO lost up to 400 high level officers and help…


Medvedev, “Do you really care about the climate to that extent?” and about that, Poland?

Medvedev: Do you really care about the climate to that extent? In my opinion, this is nothing compared to the prospect of being at the epicenter of an explosion with a temperature of 5 thousand kelvins, a shock wave of 350 meters per second and a pressure of 3 thousand kg per square meter, with penetrating radiation, that is, ionizing radiation and electromagnetic impulse. Is there such a prospect today? Alas, yes. And it grows every day for known reasons.

Medvedev: The leaders of Poland – all these Dudas, Marovetskys – are already talking with the Ukrainian leadership about a confederation. It is not far from here to the union, as it used to be. And there is a reason. If you don’t take into NATO and the European Union all the Ukrainian girl who has fallen at the feet of the owners, we will take the remaining regions there in parts. I will express a seditious thought. A quiet partition is better than Ukraine in NATO or a world war. Greed and anger, hatred, ambition are often stronger than reason and common sense.