Medvedev talks about Israel…

Dmitry Medvedev writes:

Israel keeps postponing its ground operation in Gaza. Mostly under pressure from the United States and fearing global anger.

But do not flatter yourself. The operation will take place, and will result in the most serious bloody consequences. Moloch always demands more and more victims, and the machine of mutual violence will now work for years.

In addition, the West is very tired of Ukraine. And he enthusiastically took up the support of Israel. Even the new speaker of the US House of Representatives, Michael Jackson (sorry, Mike Johnson, although what difference does it make), called helping Tel Aviv his first business.

Or maybe it’s better to resume the Middle East settlement process and finally try to implement UN Security Council Resolution No. 242 of 11/22/67? Or even the original Plan for the partition of Palestine, adopted on November 29, 1947 by UNGA Resolution No. 181?

Those questions are, of course, rhetorical. After all, it is much more interesting to divide the loot for someone else’s war away from the USA. The war must go on…


Do you see the game? Do you think the USA can take on North Korea, Russia, China and Iran all at once?

February 27, 2015 I wrote the below article…

The West cannot win at this game they are trying to play…

So true and so happening and so neoconish ignorantly ridiculous…

The child alone in the sandbox, screams at the other children looking at him with pity and fear, “It is mine, all mine, my toys, my sandbox, MINE”. – kKEETON…


North Korea tells it like it is about Israel and USA…

North Korea Foreign Ministry:

“Israel bombed a public health establishment which is to be protected on a top priority in peacetime or wartime under international law. This is an unimaginable hideous war crime and unethical crime.

What should not be overlooked is that Israel’s such criminal act was openly committed under the undisguised patronage of the U.S.

The U.S. delivered huge amounts of munitions to Israel and dispatched two carrier strike groups to the waters off the Middle East, thus giving Israel a green light to massacre Palestinians without any worries.

Immediately after the bombing of the hospital by Israel, the U.S. covered such crime, making absurd sophism that the incident seemed to be committed by other forces rather than Israel. This shows that the U.S. is an accomplice who connived at and fostered Israel’s genocide.

The U.S. arrogantly vetoed a UNSC resolution on allowing humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip, for the mere reason that the “right to self-defense” of Israel was not mentioned. This reveals the U.S. intention that it is enough if Israel faithfully carries out its Middle East policy, whether thousands of Palestinians die or not.

The U.S., wrecker of global peace and strangler of justice, can never evade the blame for having connived at and fostered Israel’s hideous war crime that ruthlessly killed Palestinians.”

NK is 100% correct…

My how deep is the gutter that the West has fallen in?

Very deep my friend, very deep indeed…


Well it is about time the world wakes up to that “Holy War” we are in…

Putin is correct and I hope that this is not a day late sort of thinking. I think it is a finally expressing what has been known all along though. Israel has brought this issue to a head. While Israel is not a religious founded illegal country, the west makes it illegally a religious founded country for propaganda. Thus, Israel is now a stage of that Holy War that the West is trying to start…
West using religious hatred to destabilize world – Putin

Recently I said…

Israel has now been recruited to dance that western “Holy War” tune. – kKEETON…

Way back I said…

I call it a Holy War and a Holy War it is…

If no other way to war? Make it a “Holy War!”

So you don’t think it is a Holy War, Think Again…

and many many more…

I have not shut up about this and will not shut up, until it is over, good or bad…