Confirmation is approved…

This confirms once further that moving to Moscow in 2006 was the right choice for me. Yes, the people who called me out for moving to Russia — my erstwhile “family, friends and acquaintances” — 🙂 ! In actuality, those folks weren’t even family, acquaintances and or buddies…

The minute you cross against the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave as a citizen? You find out how much the USA cares about you as a citizen. Be afraid, very afraid…


Medvedev on The world is just a little scared: what did they do with the suitcase during the period of its owner’s illness? (Nuke Codes)

A few weeks ago, the world watched almost live a brilliant operation by intelligence services in the United States. The operation began in the Pentagon itself, then continued in the hospital.

The US Secretary of Defense, unexpectedly for everyone, including his elderly boss, disappeared from the horizon. It is unlikely that he would have noticed at all if the public had not perked up.

Like, where is our commander?

And the gossip began. The main suitcase with codes from the “Minutemen” and “Tomahawks” – where was it? In the operating room with the minister or on his own somewhere traveling…

The US Secretary of Defense seems to be fun to be. If you wanted it, it disappeared from the radar; if you wanted it, it came back. I’ve recovered – it’s already good! And the nuclear codes seem (or not?) to be in good hands again. Everything is under control, everything is according to the rules and doctrines. All they said in the White House was that this was a problem. Why didn’t they call us…

And so – a shitty question.

The world is just a little scared: what did they do with the suitcase during the period of its owner’s illness? In whose hands was he? Who learned the codes for launching American missiles? What if the Iranians? Or someone else worse – the Russians. Look, they re-flashed everything there and prepared the US nuclear potential for self-destruction.

There seemed to be no answer.

But today the answer suddenly appeared. And what a one! So that’s what it’s all about!
Biden received an ominous signal from the afterlife. The main owner of the codes, it turns out, communicates directly with the late French President Mitterrand (who, by the way, was also the holder of the suitcase). The US President himself spoke about this conversation, moreover, confusing the country of paddling pools with the country of liverwurst.

The world is truly in danger…



On January 26, a presentation of the documentary exhibition “Military Crimes of the Kyiv Regime: Photo Testament was held at the site of the RSSU branch in Minsk…

Links installed to make it easier to get the PDF. The main site in Belarus is under heavy attack and it is hard to get 70+ MB downloaded. Maybe between that site and mine you will get the original copy of the PDF. Be warned it is graphic…

⚡️ 26 января на площадке филиала РГСУ в Минске состоялась презентация документальной экспозиции «Военные преступления киевского режима: фотосвидетельства»

Complete PDF – viewers warned…

📷 Материал подготовлен на базе фотографий корреспондентов агентства ТАСС, МИЦ «Известия» и журналиста Александра Гаюка.

🔞 Экспозиция не предназначена для просмотра лицами, не достигшими совершеннолетия.

➡️ Полная версия размещёна на сайте Посольства России в Беларуси (PDF, ~75 МБ)

Complete PDF – viewers warned…

The material was prepared on the basis of photographs of the correspondents of the TASS agency, Izvestia MIC and journalist Alexander Gayuk.

The exposition is not intended for viewing by persons who have not reached adulthood.

The full version is posted on the website of the Russian Embassy in Belarus (PDF, ~ 75 MB)

This is the info that you need to get out to the Western World…

Complete PDF – viewers warned…


Medvedev is correct and correct again about the Western World…

“Western politicians who have shit their pants and their mediocre generals in NATO have once again decided to scare us. They launched the largest military exercises since the Cold War.

These involve 90,000 soldiers from 31 countries of the Alliance and ‘almost block’ Sweden, about 50 warships, 80 aircraft, 1,100 ground combat vehicles, including 133 tanks.

Some stages are expected to take place in the most blatantly Russophobic and most disgusting countries to us, such as Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, that is, in close proximity to Russia’s borders.

The NATO blabbers were afraid to directly say who these exercises are aimed against, and limited themselves to empty chatter about ‘practicing defense plans and deterring potential aggression from the nearest opponents’.

But it is quite obvious that this convulsion of flabby Western muscles is a warning to our country. It’s like they’re saying, shouldn’t we properly threaten Russia and show the Russian hedgehog a fat transgender European ass.

It turned out not scary, but very significant.

After all, if the Alliance itself decided to conduct exercises of this level, it means they are really afraid of something.

And even more so, they do not believe not only in victory but in any military successes of the rotten neo-Nazi regime in Kiev. Plus, of course, they are working out the anti-Russian agenda for domestic political purposes, consolidating their dissatisfied electorate.

Overall this is a very dangerous game with fire.

Significant forces have been assembled. And exercises of this scale have not been conducted since the last century. So they are a well-forgotten old thing.

We are not going to attack any country in this bloc. All reasonable people in the West understand this. But if they play too hard and encroach on the integrity of our country, they will instantly receive an adequate response.

This will mean only one thing – a big war, from which NATO will no longer turn away.

The same thing will happen if any NATO country begins to provide its airfields to Bandera’s supporters or quarters its troops with neo-Nazis. They will certainly become a legitimate target for our Armed Forces and will be mercilessly destroyed as enemies.

All those wearing helmets with NATO symbols, who today swaggeringly rattle their weapons not far from our borders should remember this”.


Medvedev Unhinged and that is just correct…