Speech and answers to media questions by S.V. Lavrov following the results of the Antalya Diplomatic Forum (Antalya, March 2, 2024)

🎙 Speech and answers to media questions by S.V. Lavrov following the results of the Antalya Diplomatic Forum (Antalya, March 2, 2024)

Main points:

🔸 The UN is not a bad organization. Its Charter contains all the principles necessary to ensure justice in international relations . Those who, until recently, had a decisive weight in the world economy and in technological development, decided that in order to maintain their elusive dominance , they needed to manipulate international law. This is the main problem of today .

🔸 We have no lack of goodwill [to negotiate with Ukraine]. We see his absence from the other side. Not so much goodwill, but a lack of understanding of what is happening .

🔸 The “war camp” in Europe is still strong . If anyone had any doubts, then the latest statements by French President E. Macron, Pentagon head L. Austin, and the conversation of German generals indicate that the “war party” does not want to change its course towards inflicting “strategic defeat” on Russia on the field battle.

🔸 We will definitely respond [to the confiscation of Russian assets]. We have the opportunity not to return funds that Western countries kept in Russia. They were frozen in response to the seizure of Russian state reserves. There can be no doubt that we will act in a mirror manner.

🔸 The West must understand (and many have already understood this) that they made a mistake in Ukraine and let them correct it themselves. We will not stop them from doing this in such a way that it seems to them that they were “saving their face.”

🔸 A Palestinian state is not a whim, not just a UN decision once made. Without its implementation, it is impossible to stop the violence in the Middle East , to calm the Arab “street”, which sees injustice and how they are trying to perpetuate this injustice.

🔸 We are sorry that the Armenian leadership has made, apparently, a conscious decision to consistently pursue a policy towards worsening relations with Russia. This is not an ally-ship.


His Holiness Patriarch Kirill inspected the Sirius educational center, where the World Youth Festival is currently taking place and Video message from Russian President V.V. Putin to the participants of the opening ceremony of the World Youth Festival…

English after Video:
Святейший Патриарх Кирилл осмотрел образовательный центр «Сириус», где сейчас проходит Всемирный фестиваль молодежи

Его Святейшеству провели экскурсию по павильонам крупнейшей образовательной площадки страны, которая открыла свои двери для 20 тыс участников со всего мира.

Всемирный фестиваль молодежи проходит с 1 по 7 марта в Сириусе по указу президента России Владимира Путина.

Цель масштабного мероприятия – объединить будущие поколения вокруг идеи мира и дружбы.


⚡️ His Holiness Patriarch Kirill inspected the Sirius educational center, where the World Youth Festival is currently taking place

His Holiness was given a tour of the pavilions of the country’s largest educational platform, which opened its doors to 20 thousand participants from all over the world.

The World Youth Festival takes place from March 1 to 7 in Sirius by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The purpose of the large-scale event is to unite future generations around the idea of ​​peace and friendship.

and below a Putin message to the youth…

🎙 Video message from Russian President V.V. Putin to the participants of the opening ceremony of the World Youth Festival

💬 Our country has already held such large-scale youth forums three times, and each time they confirmed that there are no borders or dividing lines for younger generations. You will communicate with those with whom you want to communicate, gain the knowledge and experience that you need.

This was shown by hundreds of thousands of applications for participation in the festival that came to us from 190 countries , and the only thing we regret is that we could not accept everyone.

Now representatives of almost three hundred different nations have gathered in this arena. We in Russia know well what a wealth such diversity is, what a powerful positive charge of development and spiritual mutual enrichment it possesses.

Our multinational country is made up of hundreds of cultures, languages, traditions, and the brotherhood of peoples has always been and remains its main support, advantage, strength . <…>

☝️ Multinational unity is the greatest value for us, and this largely determines the principles by which our state and society live and develop today.

I’m talking about equality and justice, about the traditions of a strong family and mutual assistance, about serving one’s Fatherland and responsibility for its destiny. I know that these values ​​are shared by the absolute majority of the Earth’s inhabitants.

Therefore, we must protect and protect them together, realize our dreams together, help each other in order to improve the lives of billions, I want to emphasize this, billions of people. Work together for the sake of future generations, fight poverty and terrorism, diseases and the spread of drugs, preserve unique natural resources, cultural heritage, all the beauty and diversity of the planet.

In such a world there is no place for racism, dictatorship , double standards and lies, and a person is free to speak his own language, follow the faith and traditions of his ancestors. <…>

🤝 I am sure that at the festival you will receive a colossal charge of positive emotions and return home with love for Russia .

Important day…


Bundeswehr: Now panic media coverup in Germany. Russia Russia Russia Russia

Update: https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/bundeswehr-abhoerfall-100.html

The German Ministry of Defense confirmed the authenticity of an audio recording of negotiations between Bundeswehr generals discussing the attack on the Crimean Bridge with Taurus missiles.

This was reported by the German Channel One.


“Russia wiretapped the Bundeswehr generals. Internal conversations about Taurus published” – RND.

“Russia releases alleged recordings of wiretapped telephone conversations” – Tagesschau.

“Were the Luftwaffe negotiations bugged?” – WirtschaftsWoche.

“Pistorius faces scandal over Taurus and wiretapping – Russia is conducting secret surveillance of Bundeswehr officers” – NTV.

“The Military Counterintelligence Service is investigating suspicions of spying on members of the Bundeswehr” – Spiegel.

“The Russians listened to the secret conversations of German generals” – Bild.

“Explosive audio recording: Taurus missiles to attack the Crimean Bridge?” — Berliner Zeiting.

“Russia leaked Bundeswehr negotiations?” — ZDF.

“Did the Russians bug the Luftwaffe? Hype around possible Taurus conversation” – Focus.

“They were talking about the possibility of using the Taurus: were the Russians bugging four high-ranking Bundeswehr soldiers?” —Business Insider.

News number one in Germany.


«Россия прослушивала генералов бундесвера. Опубликованы внутренние разговоры о Taurus» — RND.

«Россия публикует предполагаемые записи прослушанных телефонных разговоров» — Tagesschau.

«Переговоры люфтваффе прослушивались?» — WirtschaftsWoche.

«Писториусу грозит скандал из-за Taurus и прослушивания телефонных разговоров — Россия ведёт тайное наблюдение за офицерами бундесвера» — NTV.

«Служба военной контрразведки проводит расследование по подозрению в осуществлении шпионажа за военнослужащими бундесвера» — Spiegel.

«Русские прослушивали секретные переговоры немецких генералов» — Bild.

«Взрывная аудиозапись: ракеты Taurus для атаки на Крымский мост?» — Berliner Zeiting.

«Россия слила переговоры бундесвера?» — ZDF.

«Русские прослушивали люфтваффе? Шумиха вокруг возможного разговора о Taurus» — Focus.

«Они говорили о возможности использовать Taurus: прослушивали ли русские четырёх высокопоставленных солдат бундесвера?» — Business Insider.

Новость номер один в Германии.


After 15+ hours of silence, the Germans officially confirm: the recording is not a fake…

Oh Boy, it is getting interesting and I can tell you Russians are getting fed up with Western Psychotic Idiots. Take a warning and or not, it is all the same in the end, you will die if you play against red lines. – kKEETON…

Medvedev on the conversation between Bundeswehr officers about planned attacks on our country…

Now German news on steroids of lies…


USA and me me me me, hey over here, me me me…

It’s interesting to me as I think while walking. The Russian SMO is primarily concerned at this point with the the “USA/UK/NATO Empire of Chaos” rather than much to do with Ukraine…


I find it very interesting that the Russian SMO has actually “so little” to do with Ukraine and “all to do” with killing a dying USA/UK/NATO Empire of Chaos Nasty Ass Bully for the world to have some peace…


I find it interesting that the USA is constantly running around the world, “me me me me, hey over here, me me me” and “do what I say”!


Now the actions of the USA have painted a very large target upon it’s back…

Maybe the USA should stop running around and acting the fool…


After 15+ hours of silence, the Germans officially confirm: the recording is not a fake…

After 15+ hours of silence, the Germans officially confirm: the recording is not a fake.


“Die Aufnahme ist vermutlich authentisch, der Militär-Geheimdienst hat Ermittlungen eingeleitet.”

The recording is probably authentic, the military secret service has initiated investigations.

Oh Boy, it is getting interesting and I can tell you Russians are getting fed up with Western Psychotic Idiots. Take a warning and or not, it is all the same in the end, you will die if you play against red lines. – kKEETON…

So Russia had their number and now they have egg on their face…

Update: A recording of a conversation between German officers about attacks on the Crimean Bridge is being distributed in the Bundeswehr, Die Welt reports.

Several military personnel confirmed to the newspaper that it was genuine.

The conversation took place on February 19 using the Webex video conferencing program, and the military counterintelligence service is now checking whether communications within the Air Force were intercepted.

Die Welt calls this conversation “politically very explosive.”

Earlier, Margarita Simonyan responded to the news about the start of an inspection in Germany after she published a recording of a conversation between German officers.

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Запись разговора немецких офицеров об атаках на Крымский мост распространяется в бундесвере, передаёт Die Welt.

Несколько военных подтвердили газете, что она подлинная.

Беседа состоялась 19 февраля с использованием программы для видеоконференций Webex, сейчас служба военной контрразведки проверяет, была ли перехвачена связь внутри ВВС.

Die Welt называет этот разговор «политически очень взрывоопасным».

Ранее Маргарита Симоньян отреагировала на новость о начале проверки в Германии после того, как она опубликовала запись разговора немецких офицеров.

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