The Countries That Visit: Windows To Russia!

(This is an update Post, We are really proud of the countries that come to visit us at, Windows to Russia. We want you to know that all are welcome to see a touch of Russia you may not know about!!)

Link: To Previous Article.

I was having my morning cup of coffee. I got thinking about the new program I got that tells me what counties visit me. It is not fool proof, because I get a listing called others. So that means that I am not getting all countries. If I have left out your country and you have been to Windows to Russia, then leave me a comment and I will add your country.

Russian Federation, United States of America, Australia, India, United Kingdom, Canada, Malaysia, Germany, Romania, Philippines, Turkey, New Zealand, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Israel, Italy, Bulgaria, Ireland, Belgium, Austria, South Africa, Vietnam, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Norway, Finland, Kuwait, Brazil, Slovak Republic, Singapore, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Poland, Northern Mariana Islands, Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Korea, Iran, Switzerland, Barbados, Croatia/Hrvatska, Greece, France, Spain, Czech Republic, Cyprus.
(48 Counties and 3704 separate sites)

I will keep adding the new additions as they come in:
New Additions: Denmark, Egypt, Oman, Latvia, Panama, Jordan, Palestinian Territories, Mexico, Sudan, Ukraine, Serbia and Montenegro, Lithuania, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Senegal, Morocco, Brazil, Taiwan, Venezuela, Belize, Columbia, Mongolia, :)))
(73 Countries and climbing)

This is really neat, We care about who visits and when We see a new county show up, We look up the country in a encyclopedia and see what they are all about.

We want everyone to know that We appreciate all visitors and wish you to come back to keep updated.


comments welcome as always.