Russia Today: The Country Doctor – Alive and Well in Russia!

Windows to Russia!
Back in the “good-ol-days” in America you had such doctors as this on the video.

I remember when the doctors made house calls all the time in any weather. I remember many doctors that would travel 20 to 30 miles of deep rutted country roads to check on people who were ill in the back woods of America.

This doctor in remote Southern Russia is really not a regular doctor but a dentist. He doctors because there is no one else to do the job. In Russia people appreciate the fact that someone will care for them and the respect that he has is really his only payment for his services.

Believe me a dentist or doctor in Russia does not make much money…

It is a demanding job, but Anatoly says local knowledge is the key. You can only do it if you understand the area and its people:

“You have to know each dog on the chain, and the dog has to know you.” Said Anatoly.

It has been 30 years since Anatoly started his career, but he says his patients need him so much that he is not planning to quit any time soon. (Link)

Thank goodness for people like Anatoly, who really care about the souls on earth. Not their pocket books…

Windows to Russia!
Kyle and Svet

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