How about a chance to post your own article? Well Sveta and I are going to give you a chance to post that Russian article link that you found, that Russian quote that you love, that Russian comment that you are dying to tell the world and that excerpt from your favorite Russian article or just tell the world what you think about Russia in an editorial…
Well today we started a new stage in Windows to Russia’s development. We hope that this is a viable working proposition and that people will use it to advantage and not to detriment…
You can post or as the software is called uCan-Post is installed on Windows to Russia. Right now it is set up so that anyone can post but nothing is posted officially until we get to have a looksie at it…
So no spam and Criticism is acceptable but hate, extreme aversion, hostility, loathe, execrate; despise, abhor, detest and abominate will not be tolerated. As well as discrimination and or unfair treatment of a person, racial group, minority, etc; action based on prejudice. Cussing will not be allowed and all above plus more will either result in post removal or editing to clean up the trash. You can dislike Russia but do it in a civilized manner…
As of right now it will not allow pictures or videos to be uploaded. Just let me know in an email and I can insert the media for you… (contact on top menu bar)
Try it out and name will not show up unless you put in the post. So please enter your name in the post so we know who you are. Of course you can stay nameless and let Admin post everything…
Update – They are no longer in business…
Have fun!
Kyle and Sveta
Questions just leave a comment on this post and we will try to solve issues…
Windows to Russia!
- The Chicken Never Leaves the News in Russia… (
- Down Then Back Up – Windows to Russia – Down Then Back Up… (
- Sveta Drinks Tea and I Drink Coffee… (
- Miracles Do Happen With Google… (Sitelinks) (
- English Music on the Moscow Train… (
- Sveta and I Live in Korolev, Russia… (
- Yes Russians Do Smoke… (
- You Are Not Free – So Accept That… (
- Russia: Is There A Santa Claus in Russia? (
- Since South Korea Started This in the First Place… (
- Coffee and That Cold War Past… (