Russia Praised North Korea for Restraint…

Russia has praised North Korea for demonstrating absolute restraint in the face of the provocation by Seoul. But…

On Monday, South Korean artillery shells were exploding on the   Island of Enlhendo in the Yellow Sea, 10 kilometers from North Korea, for almost two hours. Walls in the bunkers  shook, while South Korean war- planes flew overhead. It was a flexing of military muscles, which information from Seoul says will become a monthly ritual. Listen to what Georgy Toloraya of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of World Economy and International  Relations had to say on the issue…. (Link)

If this is true and it is being put out over the Eastern news, as I write this. That means that South Korea and America are really looking for a new war…

Because believe me America will be war gaming right along with the South Korea and we have at least 25,000 men stationed in South Korea…

Makes no sense to keep up the provocation on a monthly basis…

[pullquote]They (USA and SK) obviously are at a stage of crazies that exceeds the North Korean’s crazies…[/pullquote]