Russia Saying Yes to Burger King, No to Terrorists and Western World Stay Home!

The Russian market still talks of dollars and cents to the world and here is proof that is true. Looks Like Burger Kings Wants to Get in Russia?: The U.S. fast food giant has been focusing on putting the necessary infrastructure in place over the past several months in Moscow and other major Russian cities. Seems that Moscow may have some competition coming for McDonald’s and believe me McDonald’s has no competition in Russia! Have it your way Russia…

So while Burger King is getting ready to make McDonald’s life in Russia more complicated. Lets see what some really bad guys wanted to do: Bombers Had Tickets To Moscow: The suspected insurgents were found with explosives strapped to them, hand grenades and train tickets to Moscow. They started a gun fight and all three men were killed during the exchange of gun fire. Now that was three really bad men.

It seems to me that this survey is actually fairly accurate. Russians want their own way – survey: The majority of Russians want a unique way of life, and want it to be protected from alien ideas, a recent study has revealed. Other words they want the Western world to keep their ideas and attitudes away from Russia. Russian people have lost the trust for the Western world and the Western world have only themselves to blame…

Windows to Russia!
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