OK – Windows to Russia Comments Opened Back Up…

I received a lot of e-mails (lots) asking that I open the comments back up. In fact I was given by one e-mail a source, to a place, to report my “Washington DC bad mouth brigade” and was told that things would be better. I had another high school in America that wanted to be able to post comments easily…

So I will allow the comments to be opened back up again. But comments will be moderated. Everything will be moderated. I dislike the cussing and the death threats. They will no longer be allowed to get past go…

So we will try the open concept on comments again. Hence the revamping of the template. I have created a different comment system based on what I personally could code and we will see if it still keeps the spam out. The only step I am trying hard to keep from doing is putting a Captcha on the system. I really dislike those on a comment system. I will say, Google Friends-connect really kept the spam out…

While I was revamping the comments I decided to solve a few template issues. Such as flexible width and such. It was causing me headaches trying to implement posts…

You asked politely,  I listen…

Thanks Readers…