With the Snow a Blowing in the air – We are off to the Cardiologist…

Yesterday was spent at a new cardiologist, the snow made getting there interesting. But we got there safe and sound by our Volga car. We went to the same medical facility as I have talked about in the past, but this time we were able to sit down with the head cardiologist at the clinic. This doctor looks to be a keeper. She is really sharp and asked all the right questions to get the answers that she needed. We had all of our statistics from every visit to a cardiologist since I have been to Russia and we also had a new cardiogram done before we visited her…

On a side thought: One thing that I love about Russian businesses is the fact that you have coat checking stations in the lobbies, 90% of the time. I remember in America when that was common place. Coat and hat check.

Now back to the cardiologist. As I said everything was great with the doctor but it looks like I will have to spend a few days in the hospital sometime after the first of the year. I am needing to have a few tests run and she has specified it as mandatory. So Sveta is digging around and we will find a good hospital to perform what we need done. Since I will not use the foreign (American) hospitals in Russia due to extravagant costs, that helps narrow it down for Sveta…

One test that my cardiologist wants done soon is a Coronary angiogram. Now I have had this done four times before in America and every time I had this done I ended up with new stents. I have 6 total stents. I sensed a concern from the doctor and with the way Sveta spent half the night worrying about it, I realized that the thoughts the doctor has could be centering on stents trying to close off again. Yes I have had that happen and it is not a fun or good thing…

I have been having real issues with heart palpitations and being woke up with over a 100 beats per minute heart rate many nights…

I love this clinic that I am able to go to and I feel very lucky that I am allowed to go there. I have written about this place in the past and it is a place that I feel safe and secure to trust people with my health. This picture to the left is the front lobby and I was able to get a picture off when the lobby was clear. You see the turnstiles and that is where a grumpy guard makes sure that you have business to attend here. He would die if he had to smile and he grunts. Just my kinda guy… :)

Coffee and Russian Medical Care… Read this for my clinic I go to!

Lets talk money right at this point in the article. Yesterday I had a cardiogram done and visited the head of the cardiologist department. Now in America that is some high dollar stuff in anyone’s book…

In Moscow Russia it cost me 400 rubles (400 Russian rubles = 12.5884 U.S. dollars – per today’s exchange)! Yes that is total cost uninsured out of pocket expense. If I was Russian I would get it free…

Now lets talk about an hour visit to the head cardiologist. That ran 800 rubles (800 Russian rubles = 25.1768 U.S. dollars)! Yes once again that is uninsured out of pocket expense. I do understand that a Russia may also have to pay some money to see the head cardiologist as in conjunction see a regular cardiologist, though it is much less than I have to pay…

Total costs yesterday was 1200 rubles not including the best part of the whole day! Eating at the clinic cafe! Yummy and it makes my trip there worth being poked, prodded and stuck with needles. They have some of the best borsch soup around…

Talk to yourself about medical costs in America because I have my ass covered in Russia!

I also had almost all my medications changed because I am developing acclimatization to all my pills. So now I am weening from one type to another and we hope that will help make things better. Another strange thing about doctors here is that just because it is not their area they will still diagnose or fix what is wrong. Even if they have another doctor come in free and look at you…

Money is not the driving factor for a doctor in Russia and I really hope that never changes because it makes a better doctor all the way around. I am not saying that corruption is not in the medical system in Russia but I will say that for every story that you hear. I have one that will match it from America and it could actually even be worse in the corruption department with health care…

Now before 10,000 people send me e-mails that tell me I am full of poo poo! I will tell you that this is my experience and not yours. I am giving you the facts of how it is in my world and as I said up farther in the article: Talk to yourself about medical costs in America (or the world for that matter) because I have my ass covered in Russia!

An ending thought as my cup of coffee (chicory) is getting empty: Once again my American brain tells me that a Head cardiologist is a man! Wrong again she is a she, as you noticed from the above writings. I saw one male doctor yesterday and all I saw him do was sit around and pick on the women who were working. Women rule healthcare in Russia…

As Sveta would say: “That is just right!” as she would smile big and bright…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!

PS: Never fear – I keep my nitro spray always in hand and I am going to be around a long time to irritate people about how wonderful Russia really is…