Russians have a place to sound off now: Compliments of Medvedev…

President Medvedev’s supporters from Russia’s Big Government launched a new site late Friday -Rossiyabezdurakov.rf. (Russia without fools) where visitors can report any absurd or simply stupid bureaucratic decisions…

http://россиябездураков.рф/ is the site. If you are English speaking and wish to see what it is about, use Google translation. I tried it to see if the site would translate and it did with no problem. There is some interesting things on there, Some are just plain worthless and shows that people all over the world will complain about nothing. But some of them show how stupid things are in Russia just like they are in America…

One example: Someone wrote, “Asphalt is placed on the snow in my urban community. My question – how long it will last?” I had to laugh and think about the American joke we have about when we see workers on the highways and byways. You find it is common to see one guy working and 12 guys standing and watching. I have seen guys lay asphalt on two to three inches of hard pack snow in the middle of winter before in my lifetime… 🙂

I saw some really good statements and the comments are coming in at a fast pace. They are being looked at before they are posted, due to trolls and such. No cussing, hate and racist attitude will be allowed. I think that it is a good thing and it is a better thing to allow Russians a chance to voice their opinion. I just hope someone listens…

Fore some reason I think they will…

Kyle Keeton
Window to Russia!