Battleing denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) against Windows to Russia from my own Homeland…

A denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make a computer or network resource unavailable to its intended users. Although the means to carry out, motives for, and targets of a DoS attack may vary, it generally consists of the concerted efforts of a person, or multiple people to prevent an Internet site or service from functioning efficiently or at all, temporarily or indefinitely…

That my friends, is what we are having at Windows to Russia – 5 or 6 times a day. It is swift and effective. So with that cup of coffee this morning I am doing some heavy research into what to do to try to ease the destruction of an attack. It seems that nothing will stop them completely and it is really all centered on how strong are your resources and how many machines are involved in the attacks. I am slowly getting a feel for this VPS server thing and we are now getting IP’s and blocking them as they attack. I also have set up a half a dozen things to get in the way and stop attacks. Firewall on a server is necessary…

One reason I am writing this post is to let my readers know that I am shutting doors all over the server that bots and such use to try to get in. If I shut the doors to tight, I need people to e-mail me and let me know that they can not use my site very well. You may find things such as you get blocked if you surf the website too fast. But if you are reading then that is not a problem because you will not be moving too fast between pages. I do not expect you to have an issue now, but as I experiment with news techniques I foresee a few mistakes on my part and a little over zealous screw tightening… πŸ™‚

It is a sad thing that I have to do these things, but several organizations in America are seriously trying to destroy Windows to Russia and since I am not a rich boy who has limited-less money. I have to do 90% of everything on my own with my little sweeties help when she can…

So I do not expect that I will be able to stop it completely, but I am slapping back and pissing a few attackers back home off. Then as they increase their attack I increase my knowledge and ability to counter them. I also need anyone who is an expert to contact me about this issue. I can use some pointers on what to do…

The site has switched between servers about 6 times in the last day. But it is staying one line most of the time. At one point I had some sites on one server and some on another. That way it spread the attacks over a wider base. It is interesting to watch this happening and we are able now to track the culprits down. Strange how they do not even try to cover their tracks by spoofing. They want me to know who it is. It won’t do any good to complain because it comes right out of our own little tiny sweet government in America. I also have a Florida attacker that is making a habit out of all this. It is easy to attack me in Russia because I have no way to get back at anyone legally, but the way America is becoming, it does not matter, because you don’t have any legal recourse either anymore if they crash your website…

So thanks to the readers that are stopping by everyday and if you find us offline, come back because I am working on it and we will be back online as quick as I can get the DoS attack stopped. Many times my being offline is to break the attack. Other words I intentionally block Windows to Russia to upset the attack. It works and downtime is marginalized…

Next time Windows to Russia is offline: Remember who is trying to destroy this site. This is a fact and I have tons of proof where all these attacks are coming from. This is not a game to me. This is a very important project that I do and I believe strongly in Windows to Russia. Strong enough that we spend way excess money, over what it brings in, to keep it online. It is the principle of the matter and the fact that a country that sings songs of freedom, expressions of freedom and promotion of freedom really is not free at all. that is what you should be thinking about every time Windows to Russia gets attacked by the government and knocked offline…

Every time I print another article they do not like, the attacks increase. If I quit – then they win. If I give up – they win. If I shut up – they win. If I go away – they win. So I will post even if the site is crippled as long as the post gets out, as it does some of the time. I have two extra writers now and need several more. I am sure to get slaughtered today because I will post a very good article about Ron Paul from Nadir Mir the Brigadier General of Pakistan. That will get me knocked offline for sure… πŸ™‚

Time to start worrying about your freedoms and liberty’s…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!

PS: 40,000 pages views a day and climbing! Keep it up people and we can get the word out…

Even giants such as Microsoft have fallen victim to the DDoS attack. Generally, it’s a good idea to not make many enemies – (Okay!) and keep a sharp watch on your network at all times. And in the event that you do track an attacker down, keep two things in mind. First, it may be a spoofed IP address, and thus, a false lead. Second, never attack back. Simply contact the authorities and wait for the justice system to do its work… Okay?