America the child – Russia the adult…

spoiled-bratLately the true nature of America has come forth with flying screams and colors. Russia just responds and does what it has to do and then as a patient parent with a brat kid, Russia waits until the tantrum is over and the child starts to see reason. The reason that should have been obvious before all this started…

But when a child starts the problem and instigates the issue first, that child has very little ability to see reason until they exhaust their tantrums in full. America had a tantrum and fell in it. They also kowtowed many countries to side with them and paid with bribes, treason and threats. Now America looks like the proverbial spoiled brat as Russia looks on and shakes her head…

When you watch America lie and lie and lie thousands of times, all day long, all week long and all year long. When you watch the American media lie and lie and lie as they are told what to say and write. As you watch the American politicians lie and lie and lie…

That is when you realize that The USA or The U.S. or America is thrashing on its death bed and they are desperate and scared of losing the top notch in life…

Russia it seems is the one who is running interference, while China is gathering the supplies. Russia does not want to rule the world, but I really think that China may want to…

That is something that we will have to wait and see if it happens. For the U.S. is so playing checkers with Russia, while Russia plays chess and the U.S. is in a quagmire at every turn. Then to see the behind the scenes, all you have to do is look and see that China is playing chess also…

This had to happen eventually, as when you step in the wrong playground and try to play unfair. The regulars will put you in your place…

America has found out that she is just a regional player with big ambitions of world conquest and the world is still a big place and to take on a country like Russia or China on their home front is stupid as hell…

So now America is going to work with Russia in getting things under control and that was after threats of war and lies of a mentally deranged country (USA), were spread worldwide, but the hate will continue and not abide as certain sectors refuse to back down and acknowledge truth. Beat them war drums and attack that evil, made of our desires for world conquest…

That is a major reason that America is considered a deranged country and it is time to stop the games and lies…

hot-cup-of-coffeePlease America get your own house in order first and stay away from the world. Russia will be glad to show you the correct way…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…