The West failed and that is good!

I work around Russians, I use Russian products and I watch the Russians out of curiosity, everyday of my life. The Western Empire really tried to destroy Russia and unless the Western Empire jumps on the war wagon and attacks Russia out of the blue. Russia has beat the West at its own games!

I eat 100% Russian made, Russian processed, Russian grown food. I use 100% Russian and or Chinese made tools, implements and that includes items that are for everyday living, such as detergents and toilet paper. The main thing is that it is all quality and inexpensive products. Be they food or tools…

I feel for Venezuela, they could not pull off the same thing that Russia did and have suffered greatly. The attack was basically the same and for the same reasons. Just as Brazil has been attacked and China is being harassed. It partly falls under the BRICS issue! The Western Empire may have slowed BRICS down, but it is not dead and is marching onward and will show its head again, much stronger at that point…

I bought milk per liter last week at 29 rubles. Sterilized and good for almost a year. I bought white bread for 19 rubles a loaf. I bought my favorite cottage cheese at 59 rubles a container. This is the norm for me and this also extends to anything else I buy…

If I desire really cheap and okay, I wait and use AliBaba/AliExpress and have stuff shipped to me. I find with a little bit of effort on my part, that I can gather what is necessary, easily and quality is next to anything bought anywhere in the world…

Russia has developed, with the help of western men and women, who have decided that America has stepped off the deep end, huge herds of cattle in Russia. I am seeing herds of cattle now that reach 60,000 plus heads and growing. I see farms with western men all over Russia and they are lending their expertise. This is a straight shot at America and is called brain drain…

Russians learn fast:

I have talked about that a Russian is an intellect and now Russians have expanded the farm industry beyond just needs for Russia. Russia is going to become a agriculture powerhouse and feed the world. I keep talking about this and it is and has come true already in many areas of farming. A little help goes a hell of a long ways…

One area that has just stunned me is the Russian cheese area. Russians have learned to make literally every kind of cheese in the world. I adore the Russian Colby Jack and I just found a sour cream cheese that is to die for. It is so smooth and mild. It just is perfect…

I hope the west fails in its attacks against Brazil. The Western Empire has done nothing to help the Olympics and everything to destroy the Olympics in Brazil. Just as they did too China and Russia. Sad and pathetic is the west. What happened to sports goodwill and helping each other? Politics?

The West failed!

It failed so bad, that it hurts itself, back into not just a recession, but back into the depression that it tries to lie all the time about. The West is failing and has run out of options, well, except to just keep borrowing money, printing money and stealing money!

The last few years of governmental policies in America and the EU, have actually helped China and Russia to grow. It has helped the world to steer the ship in the right direction. But these policies have stop gap measured short term issues, minus any long term help, for the West and I am not sure that even the chickens will come and or be able to come home to roost, for the coop will be gone!

One thing that you need to learn is; Do not believe what the Western Press is portraying about the rest of the world!

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Another thought!

“Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it. – Mark Twain”

I am proud to be able to watch what is happening in Russia and I live it daily. I try at times to see what there is to be proud of America, but when the governmental policies do nothing but hurt our country and we as people living there, act like a damn bluegill on a shiny hook! Then I have to shake my head and wonder at the true stupidity of what is happening, brain drain, financial issues, ignorance of life around the planet, war, hate and many other issues…

I still love my country, but we no longer own our country! We have no say in what happens and we hold out our hand and greedily take everything given to either fill our mouths and or fill our need for distraction. We expect the government to protect us, feed us, nurture us, teach us and hold our hand. Somewhere we lost our feet and no longer stand or even want to stand on our own two feet…

When we do stand on our own two feet…

You are not allowed to stand on your own two feet. It has been this way for a long time and has only gotten worse. Much worse! I use to say, “Wake up!”

I think it is too late for that and staying asleep, may be better for most in the end!