Happy Saint Nicolas Day…

A visit to the monastery of St. Nicholas – Посещение святой обители святителя Николая and all at the Tiny Russian Village that Sveta and I live at…

• To learn about the true Santa Claus and Father Christmas: St. Nicholas, a man of faith who lived his life in devotion to Christ
• To focus on giving more than receiving: St. Nicholas cared for the needy
• To emphasize small treats and family fun: St. Nicholas loved children
• To provide a bit of special festivity early in the waiting weeks of Advent: St. Nicholas points to Jesus, the heart of Christmas
• To offer a spiritual dimension to gift giving
• To tell the story of a Christian saint, whose model life inspires compassion and charity
• To honor St. Nicholas honors the Christ Child who selflessly gave the greatest gift of all—himself


Big holiday in our village since it was founded after this original Santa….They already at 3 a.m. have been up to the monastery and cleared the paths and turned on the lights at the church…