I grab a coffee, a popcorn and watch the show from Russia…

I am doing what many Russians are doing…

Popcorn is big business this year. We all are watching the “Three Ring Circus” unfold across the ocean. Russians are very interested in what happens across the pond and they await the games as they unfold. It is very interesting to watch such chaos happen and now when we watch, we see swapping around of priorities and morals as the main show…

Everyone is either switching sides…

Trying to bargain for their power position and or simply selling their soul to gather the needed end results that makes them happy. This is happening from the little guy sitting at home watching the nightly news, to the power brokers running the country. Chaos is a swirling mess at its best and this time it has become a hurricane, barreling full steam ahead at the shores of America…

My thoughts on the subject have been confirmed and that is why I voted for Trump. This time change will happen and it will make or break the country. Breaking America as it stood had to happen to settle the world. Good or bad; I hope Trump breaks the system and returns it to the people (Even if he tries to sit on top the pile.) Not sure the people have any idea anymore what to do with it, but if Trump can crush the wannabe Napoleons and Hitlers, then the people can deal with the last man standing much easier than hundreds of demons running around…

This is what it is all about. Power and one man taking it all. It had to happen, for the US is not based on fairness, just who is top dog. We have spent our whole life in America to believe that being top dog is the place to be, I am no different. Thus, why I have survived this long. Kissing ass works for most, but real money, real power and real fun begins; when you crush your opponent…. That is why I was so successful in the corporate world…

People are scrambling…

People are “wishy washing” back and forth. I am seeing democrats selling out left and right to their recent stands they took. I see republicans running into trees and walls as they try to figure out what kind of republican Trump is. The fact is Trump is not any of the above, Trump is Trump and he wants control of the most powerful spot on earth. I knew that and he would not be Trump if he acted any different…

Trump puts America first, his family next and as long as he sits on top. He will do okay with his own persona…. Yes that means America will have to come to grips with a Putin style leader. Russians have long expected and endorsed a leader to lead them for his life and Russians do not consider that a bad thing. Putin has Russia at heart, Trump has America at heart and we have been brainwashed to think that one man or woman as leader for life is a terrible thing. But it is not…

A terrible thing is when thousands of Hitler and Napoleon wannabees are allowed rein to destroy all around them. That is a bad system and that is what America had become; Napoleon’s backyard and Hitler’s dreams come true. Too many bosses, make a souffle collapse…. and Obama was never a boss and thus destroyed what was left of the system…

The world had gotten use to a country that was so powerful, but never kept its word about literally anything. That becomes comfort in an odd way and now the world has to adapt to a stronger presence, maybe (time will see,) in the White House at DC…

Therefore America is…

Chaos and chaos takes a strong person to keep a rein. Strange; America has become exactly what we fought against all our lives. America has become the Old Soviet Union, just with a modern twist. And as ex-Soviets will tell you, “Life was really very good most of the time in the CCCP!”

Freedom has become lost in America, it hides under a facade of Freedom. We just do not know how to get out from behind that fake wall. America needs a strong hand reining her in.  For if we do not have that person, we have what we see now. Everyone going in twenty different directions, all trying to grab a share of that pie!

Time will tell!

Have a good day! Go long on popcorn…