Cannot find Mamma Eagle and a second cup of coffee…

I have scoured the area and this year Mamma Eagle is missing. Maybe she found a new home? Maybe she did not like me taking her picture? Maybe she is dead? I do not know…

I know her kids are here. We have an abundance of young eagles and they are flourishing. I counted seven eagles in total. But, papa and mamma eagle are not here. In one way it is better to the whole valley, in more ways it is sad and seems like we have lost an intricate soul of the valley…

Where the Eagles fly…

Mamma Eagle was a beast and it would be sad if she had died…. I mean she was some huge eagle and I posted many articles about her, usually mixed in with many coffee thought articles…

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Woke at 3:30 a.m. and it was +7 degrees outside. Yes I know it is summer, but this is Russia, the land of the winter and it will get up to +30 in a week or so, but, cool weather is the normality of life here. It is a good thing to me…

Boza and I walked after I put his first drops in his eyes. I break the medication up into several sessions, but this causes me to end up spending half my time just doing drops for Boza. That is okay and it helps him to deal with the strong drops better. He is sleeping peacefully and is happy right now. He wandered around and found a kitty this morning; that is what it is about and if he has good times, then I have good times…

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I am worried about something:

I know for a fact while America is spouting, “We are number one!” That China and Russia are advancing due to integrated knowledge systems, far above what we in America realize in war tech. I am watching Iran, North Korea and several other countries advance light years in the last 10 years or so. While the west has been playing god, war monger and number one asshole. The east has been silently and methodically garnering defensive and now offensive systems that are amazing. I do not think this is so wonderful but I do think it is necessary. It is a reaction/backlash to the wild west approach that the Western Empire has forced upon the world. It is a reaction to the, “America is the world policeman!”

Russia has taken the cruise missile technology to a whole new level and all this while we Americans have been spending ungodly trillions of dollars warring and wasting lives all over the world…

You never can, “Rest upon your laurels!”

I have talked many times about allowing the west enough rope to hang itself. So much of what has been happening in the last 10 years is strategy by the east. I talk about this stuff…

“While the west looks at silence, non-aggressiveness and retreating as weakness. These factors are actually  strategies to weaken a foe and allow small defeats to later build into winning the war!”

China, Russia, Iran and a hundred more countries play the west for the dollar and technology. This is undermining in a small drip sort of way. The same way caverns are made underground, during millions of years of a single action of drip, drip, drip and a million more drips. The base is worn away and from that it is easy to bring the roof down…

Russia and China have advanced and we have helped them do it…

I am sad because, we had the world in our hands, we had the choice to make and that forked road allowed that choice to be made. We took the fork of least resistance and forced the rest of the world to develop with their souls behind it. It is all about the soul, culture and intellects. We danced and partied, while who we tried and did rule, has been working to cut our throat. For we never accepted anyone as equals and even our so called friends are looked down upon as lessor than we are. I have studied and all Empires do such mistakes. The British Empire, The Roman Empire and on and on…

Whether America understands this or not. Russia and China have been getting ready for war. Not fighting and wasting their money doing it. The US has been waging war after war, illegal or not and without a care who they bomb. No care for permissions and no care for collateral damage. We have slaughtered the sheep and gone fat and lazy, as the sheep gather the tools to change the world. We have created hate world around. We, as all empires, have become lackadaisical ridiculous…

Sometimes I think we are in the Toga Party stage of the Roman Empire…

We really need to learn from history…

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We stand now where two roads diverge. But unlike the roads in Robert Frost’s familiar poem, they are not equally fair. The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. The other fork of the road-the one “less traveled by”-offers our last, our only chance to reach a destination that assures the preservation of the earth. – Rachel Carson