Intel never again…

Months ago we got what was the start of updates to try to salvage a bad situation with Intel chips…

After several updates sneaked in when no one was watching, the computer started to crawl. Then I installed the savior of my system update and….The speed (not too good to begin with) dropped by at least 25% and more. The computer became a dog on a hot summer day, laying under a shade tree… (Bow Wow)

The flaw, now named Meltdown, was revealed on Wednesday and affects most processors manufactured by Intel since 1995.

Latest update:

Therefore, our computer had become a snail and was not really fun to operate anymore, but you are told, “Sacrifice speed for safety!” Merry Christmas is what I say…

It got so bad that Svetochka and I talked about what to do and how to get the money together to get a better system. Sveta kept saying the computer is slow and I saw and felt the same thing….I knew why to a point, but did and had nothing to salvage the situation….code writer I am not, for Intel…

I even went to the trouble to try to install a video card in a system that did not like the idea, just to help play a simple YouTube video again. The computer had gotten that slow….this lead me to doing things that I should not have done and I did those things that I should have not done and things that were forced upon me, because of Intel issues and flaws. Flaws that have been known about for a long time. I sent the turtle speed computer to an early grave. My bad….but I learn…

Honey I blew up the computer, so lets have coffee…

At least I found out it was not all my fault!

In all my work over several days on the computer, RIP, I inadvertently allowed the WannaCry Virus to sneak in. This added insult to injury and in the process of trying to salvage a computer that was on its deathbed anyway, I almost lost two hard drives of data. But I salvaged most of it. I salvaged the disks also…

Then I gathered parts and emptied the computer case and started from scratch…

Svetochka helped in areas that I needed patience and a smart girl and we succeeded. I take blame for allowing what happened to happen. I should know better! Guess I was lazy?

Then started the next round of issues:

The motherboard I had installed was a Windows 7 Gigabyte board and an AMD processor. We doubled our memory to 16 Gigs and I installed Windows 7. Ran like a stripped ass ape….But, even the updates (and a decidedly lack of care by Microsoft on updates, due to a non supportive Microsoft who wants Windows 10 to be installed), could not stop the onslaught of viruses coming at us left and right. This is the same thing that we found many years ago with Windows 2000 and the security venerabilities…

WannaCry found its way back and crippled the system for the second time…

Thus, I turned to Linux:

Now I had too become a We!

We both use the computer and Svetochka wants the computer to do all she could do with Windows installed. That means all programs that she used in Windows had to have a good or better replacement or be made to run under Linux. That left out my favorite Linux, Puppy Linux and it meant that I had to try to adapt one of the big Linux boys to our use…

Time to study and relearn some Linux data and I settled upon Linux Mint, a Ubuntu branch, a very supported branch. Since the computer was a we in the end. I installed Clam Av anti-virus scanner and activated the built in firewall. Then I grabbed “Wine” (No not a drink!) and installed what I could make work of Windows based programs and then found better software to replace what I could not make run. Svetochka the boss wants what Svetochka wants and if not, it better be better than what she had… 😉

Little more work:

I have to say, Linux if chosen correctly is main stream ready. Linux Mint is solid and stable and I will leave it at that…

More work than Windows to get up to speed, but worth it. Linux is just not an install and dance a happy dance as you play in the computer world. Linux still takes a little bit of effort and a learning curve, but Linux Mint as Ubuntu does, takes much of that away. It has become a very user friendly system for someone who desires to get all anti-Windows and all such…

Grandma would say, “Always good in the end!”

Everything just works. Plug in something to the USB and it just works. Eg….we have a external CD and in Windows you had to install a huge program to make it work correctly. In Linux it just works, no extra drivers, no extra software and plug and play. Also we have a Netis WiFi adapter and it was just plug and use. Just simply amazing. I guess all works out in the end…right grandma?

Bad Intel:

You have known about this issue and we have millions and millions of computers that are worthless now that issues are being exploited. If you get it sealed up, you slow your system down. But as the big boys say, “Suck it up baby!”

Good article below on what has happened and what they will do about it. In the meantime as always, some of us get taken for a ride…

Hey, just buy a new computer! 😉