This self-isolation thingy during King Corona Virus times…

Other than not having my Sweetpea with me. Self-isolation is fantastic…

But then I guess anyone who loves a very isolated Tiny Russian Village would say that!

Grouchy and happy. Stay away and make me happier…

When you are as grouchy as I am and only likes to have one person at a time to even communicate with. My choice would be Svetochka and no one else ever. Then self-isolation is a dream for me. I also noticed that my Sweetpea who is very introvert, is flourishing also in Moscow. She is never bored and like me, we cannot get everything done in a day…

How could it be any better for a bear like me than to be able to growl at people and keep them away. This is like a dream come true…

Spending my work career dealing with untold thousands and thousands of people a day at times and having to bite my tongue when I was being yelled at daily by rude customers, who just wanted to get a free meal and knew that corporate would do it, would have a tendency to make you happy to be alone…

Svetochka up in Moscow is working online, ordering food delivers and dealing with her family. She is actually in heaven and has stock piled food like crazy. She thinks having food delivered to the door is a neat idea and is utilizing it. As she has ordered all kinds of delicious foods and shows me the refrigerator in pictures. Who knew that yogurt would be her stock pile favorite food?

Sveta has much less chance of getting outside, but we have a exercise bike for her to use twice a day and she is eating healthy. She also is being taught by me over Viber how to cook things and she is a good cook! Who knew? She did not!

Sveta is going to have to make banana bread today and or tomorrow. Her bananas are very black and have to be used… (Hint Hint)

Make a banana treat recipe, when you got too many bananas…

Lets see how that Viber session goes?

I find it interesting that so many people on social media are doing more than the dumb things they normally do and there are so many bored people. It is as if the people will riot over self-isolation, yet when presented with real issues, like war and sanctions against the world, they sit around and whine about life in general…

Maybe people should learn to read again? …. I did see that there is a seed shortage now in the US. That is good….grow your food people….How about fixing something? How about smelling the coffee and roses?

What there is not is a shortage of is people on social media doing naked selfies everyday…

People are strange!


PS: If you like a great movie about this King Corona Virus situation and do not mind a foreign film with terrible voice over. But I laughed, there is some great political jabs at the current situation and they are right on…

Corona Zombies:

Don’t knock it. They really see the truth about how we have handled this virus…