I am watching certain things and yet far from all things going on right now. Yet really I am just human and have a limited capacity for watching everything…

So, I work and think…


I see Russia is a Christian nation and actually one of the last true nations that can claim such. Yet, the Chechen Dogs of War have opened my eyes and has shown me that the Russian people are so much bigger than just simple Christianity stopping at that as good enough. Russia sincerely embraces without preconditions, other religions and other ideas…


Whereas we Americans have been preconditioned, as in preconditioned to fear Russians and the Chinese, whereas the sight and sound of Allahu Akhbar causes fear within the system that has been idolized for so long within the USA and the west. Demonizing the Other is the normal
modus vivendi in our death throes of the Empire of Lies and Chaos…


Russia seems to be a vast improvement within a system of embracing others not of the same cut of cloth. The Russians do not have serious issues that hinder their acceptance of outside the white-man box of acceptability. Russians are actually very diverse and fearless…


Russia seems able to include and embrace varieties in humans and the thinking’s within those humans, that is one of the most admirable things about it. And a reason why Russia has to overcome what the west wants to do to her…


The west has put a box within a box and within a box, then when they say think outside of the box? The box is just a box within another that has the same as from the box you just peaked out of. I call it the Woke Safety Box.


Taiwan will be a part of Mainland China. The west is freaking over what is happening. There’s already movements building steam within and Taiwanese are coming out supporting the reunification. Thus, why the west is sending Satan’s daughter Pelosi to do what Satan’s son McCain use to do…stir up trouble…


What’s happening in Ukraine is not where it is all at. Ukraine was the pivot point that Russia chose for the battle of good vs evil. Europe, USA, NATO and UK are all shell-struck. The system of divide and conquer is collapsing so fast that they have no choice but to embrace collapse themselves. Thus, you hear that this is all planned? The only thing planned was to rule the world, for evil has very little imagination when it comes to anything but power…

and (Yes I am still thinking.)

I do see that SMO or war will end when Russian tanks reach the Polish border. Unless Poland decides to do something ignorant? Then that is where the war will end at the end of the ignorance, even if it is Poland itself. Same goes for the Baltic children states. There can be no firing from NATO to Russia or vice versa. Only a proxy war is possible. When the proxy is eliminated, the war will end. the proxy is in its grave with both feet right now, soon to lay down in the grave. I do question will Europe be so pathetic as to make Russia take Berlin, Germany again? I do question how ignorant the USA is? Does the USA want to lose its coast lines to Poseidon Torpedo?


Russia will if they have to!


That is enough thinking…