Russia: Could be the First in the World to Start New Years!

С Новым Годом! (Happy New Year!)


I was drinking my cup of wonderful coffee and was thinking about who is some of the first to getWindows to Russia! to celebrate New Years?

Russia of course!

There is an island owned by Russia, located right next to the border of the USA. It is called the Romanov Frontier Outpost. Just four kilometers away from the USA, It is called ‘The International Date Line’, as it starts the new day on earth every day. Well today is a special day for them. The guardsmen who stay at this outpost are some of the first people on earth who get to celebrate The New Year!

The guardsmen got to celebrate the New Year even though they were on duty: fireworks were shot off and Father Frost and his granddaughter (Snegoruchka) came by helicopter to give some gifts to the Romanov Frontier Guardsmen.

This is not the only interesting thing about Russia on New Years: The New Year time period will last for 11 hours across Russia (11 time zones) and will conclude at 1 am Moscow time in Kaliningrad.

So Russians are tucked away in bed before America starts the New Year parties!

Kyle & Svet

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