Off and on she goes. Nice to be loved by hackers and attackers online.

This post is stuck at the top, so go down and any new posts are below…

Someone hacked us and erased our config file….so nice and sweet of them…

Not sure how long we can keep WtR online? Bless those DDoS fools from the US of A…

Up and then down. Sveta is trying to finish a complete backup so that when the time comes we can reload the site on a Russian only based server and or maybe Chinese based….yet if that happens you in the west will not see it most likely as you are censored to the maximum…

~~ Evil Russia you know? ~~

I can get testy at times and might piss a few off okay more than a few, but….what I have been talking about all these years is happening and yes, I have not been silent about what you see going on…

But one day we will write again and again and again….unless by the way we all end up toast and BBQed…

That’s a promise…

Kyle and Svetochka Keeton


Update: My little SweetPea has gotten WtR completely backed up and she is looking at where to set up a mirror site based in Russia. We will have a site ready to switch on with everything up to date basically. WtR is one huge site of data and now as they slap us around. They will have a hard time in keeping us offline for very long…