- Here comes the sun…
- Our Church…
- Inside the bell…
- Our home; no not the broken building!
- Краснохвостый сарыч or Red-tail Hawk…
- Close up…
Here comes the sun…
Boza and I simply get tough and force or way through to thin areas of snow. The bell tower is one of those areas and Boza and I can stand in awe at how beautiful the world is from the top of the hill. This morning we had a rare occurrence and I just happened to have the camera, since it is warmer. A Red-Tail Hawk and or Chicken hawk floated over us as it hunted. I was lucky enough to get a few shots of it and I am so pleased with myself…
A solitary bird unless breeding time and this bird is always alone and lives by the small pond down below us. He is a successful hunter and I have seen his handy work all over. Mice are history with him around. This hawk has successfully defended himself against the Huge Mamma Eagle and thrives in his little spot of life…
Finally got a good image of him…
I could not help the song above. It just is perfect for today and what a beautiful day it is. I was thinking of Sveta in Moscow and she is taking some psychology classes this weekend and I am so glad that she can do what she wants, when she wants and I love that she loves to learn. Sveta is one intelligent girl and is truly what I call an intellect…
Father Pavel left this morning; a snowmobile came by and picked him up. He waved at Boza and I and off he went into the wild blue yonder. He spent three days meditating and I understand that is part of their training and such…
I seriously scooped about three hundred meters of snow trails yesterday. Hundred meters to the dump, hundred meters to Vova’s and a hundred meters of old trails that were filled up with new snow. Today, it has not snowed and I am blessed, but I feel better than I have in many many years and could do it all again today, if need be…
The path you see is all the way to Vova’s home…
But I am smart and will rest today, for I need to pace myself and not over do it. Boza said it was okay and his paths are good enough, so that he can run around and check on the village… 😉
Have a nice day…