Briefing by the Chief of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General I.A. Kirillov , on the military-biological activities of the United States ( December 11, 2023 )…

💬 Although Western countries actually sabotaged the vote on the Security Council resolution on an international investigation into the activities of American biological laboratories, the voting results indicate that the US military-biological activities in Ukraine raise questions even among its closest allies .


☣️ As a result of a special military operation, Russian specialists gained access to a number of Ukrainian biological objects, in particular to laboratories in the cities of Rubezhnoye, Severodonetsk, Kherson and their official documentation. Her analysis confirmed the dangerous nature of the Pentagon’s experiments to assess the susceptibility of the Ukrainian population to zoonotic infections, the facts of testing pharmaceuticals on the local population and the export of biological samples to the United States for their possible use in offensive biological programs .


❗️ Due to the fact that the Ukrainian armed forces failed to achieve success during the so-called counter-offensive, we assume that there will be a shift in their activity towards non-standard forms of warfare , including the use of chemical and biological agents.

According to our information, the office of the President of Ukraine coordinates the actions of national intelligence services to organize an anti-Russian provocation using toxic substances.

Taking into account the experience of the Syrian conflict, it is assumed that accusing the Russian Armed Forces of using chemical weapons will make it possible to initiate a new anti-Russian campaign in the UN structures and the world media.


Материалы брифинга Минобороны России по военно-биологической деятельности США

December 11, 2023

В настоящее время в Женеве проходит встреча экспертов и совещание государств-участников Конвенции о запрещении биологического и токсинного оружия. Подобные мероприятия проводятся ежегодно, а их целью является обсуждение текущего статуса КБТО, вопросов соблюдения её положений, обзор научных и технических разработок, обладающих потенциалом двойного назначения.