Next few days…

Within the next two days, we are going to the village. It is May Holidays in Russia, so Sveta has a week off and she will spend that time in the Russian Village (with Boza and I,) that beautiful Russian village! Then I will stay the summer in the village and work on the garden,

Welcome to my world…

10 skydivers to jump out of the plane. Daniel Pharr, a man diving with and being trained by Steele, enjoyed a minute of free fall as the cold air rushed by… “He (Steele) pulled the chute,” Pharr said. “It got super quiet. It’s eerily quiet up there… I made the comment to him: “It’s surprising

Ukraine the Stooge and it is all planned…

And it all started with Windows to Russia several years ago. The links below are from the past and Windows to Russia has suffered from being blocked by Ukraine several times. If I wrote something that was just too much truth about Ukraine, they blocked the site… This is