Coffee and That Russian Presidency Situation…

While sipping that morning cup of coffee. I was doing some thinking’s on the Russian presidency. The media either from the West or East, has “their panties all in a twist” trying to figure out what is going on with Medvedev and Putin…

The articles either extenuates or exasperates the situation according to what ever opposite issues said article decides to attenuate to…

I know that from what I have observed since Medvedev went into office, that he is the lessor of the two leaders and has lashed out at the Russian base of power in an attempt to prove that he is top dog. I know that Medvedev’s legacy is for the ability that he has to terminate people and not for the ability to work things out…

The ability to terminate everyone, a leader that does not make…

So is there an issue between Putin and Medvedev?

All I know is that Putin is perceived to be in tune with the common people of Russia and when someone like my Sveta who always votes communist says, “Putin makes more sense than Medvedev and I might just vote for Putin this time instead of communist.” That echos what I hear out and about in Russia. I realize that the people that I associate within Russia see Putin as the strongest of the two and the most honest of the two (Even if they do not like him!). Putin exhibits strength, down to earthness and control. Also Putin by creating the “All-Russia People’s Front” will definitely broaden the base of his ruling party, get him distanced from the stigma of a corrupt United Russia and increase his support before a parliamentary election in December. This “All-Russia People’s Front” seems to me that it has a tiny bit of the old communist flair to it. That is a strong undertone in this countries heart and Putin realizes that you must communicate with the people not talk over them…

What ever the situation is that is developing between Medvedev and Putin. Medvedev needs to remember that Putin put him where he is at. The people of Russia know this and one thing I do know, is that back stabbing is taboo in Russia. No one turncoats on someone and does not chance being ostracize by society…

So what will happen with the Russian presidency will be disclosed over time and if this rift is real. Then we will see interesting happenings. The West has already forged into the fray. They whole heartily support Medvedev in their articles. They portray Medvedev as the savior of Russia and portray Putin as a stagnation of Russia. That is a detriment to Medvedev and Medvedev really needs to rethink his “I love Western attitude.”

For that Dog will Bite…

Just some thoughts today over a cup of delicious coffee…

Windows to Russia!